Chapter 3: Getting Zapped by a Duplicate

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          He laughed but there was no humor in his voice.

          “You twit! You think I am your precious Ary?” He was angry (and he had an adorable British accent). I stepped off of him and stood back. He looked just like Ary. Same nose, same mouth, same hair. Even the same lip ring. The only difference was his eyes. While Ary’s were moss green, this Ary-look-alike had vivid blue eyes, like the electricity he zapped me with. (How did I know what color it is? It was jumping through the spaces between my fingers.)

          He yanked the mask from my hands and shoved it into a hidden pocket. I stared at him for a sec, hurting inside, though I’m not sure if it was the electricity, how he was acting, or his looks.

          “Who are you? Why were you chasing me?” I’m glad my voice wasn’t shaking, like I felt. He grunted.

          “Why is it any of your business? You were my job, and I found you. Now would you quit attacking me? Gah!” He bent to tie something on his leg and I backed away. Was I hallucinating or did he actually look like Ary? I stepped up against a tree and slid down.

          “’I’m your job’? What is that supposed to mean?” I sounded angry, by projecting my voice like Marissa showed me how to do, and my arm stung. He looked at me.

          “Just what I said, I was sent to you. You are now my job. I can’t tell you anymore at this moment.” He looked somewhere to the east.

          “Fine, are you at least allowed to tell me your name?” I asked him. He was staring at the moon. There was barely a sliver of shadow now, casting everything in a white light, just like the night I met Ary. Tears burned in my eyes and I angrily wiped them away. The boy looked back at me.

          “If you must know, my name is Fang. But don’t go blurting it out to everyone. It would ruin the whole effect.” He winked and smiled, but again, there was no humor. I doubt he even knew how to make a joke. Fang. That was an unusual name.

          “Who are your parents? Do you have a brother?” I needed to know. I had to find out if he was related to Ary. I took a deep breath.

          “Parents: dead. And unless I have a brother or sister that I’ve never met, I am an only child. Any other personal questions while I’m at it?” His voice was sharp but he didn’t show it on his face. I stared at my hands. The X’s I had previously drawn on my arm were already fading quickly.

          “Hm, Fang is an interesting name. Are you a vampire, by any chance?”

          “NOOOO… I only have the name of teeth because I fancy drinking blood.” Okay, maybe he did have a sense of humor, or sarcasm, whatever. “Of course, I’m a vampire, you twit. Can you not tell?”

          “No, I can’t tell, nimrod. I didn’t want to stick around with you long enough to find out.” I stood back up and took a step towards him. Fang stuck his arm out to me and I gripped it and sniffed. He was right. He did smell like a vampire, like cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Or maybe the pumpkin and spice was just him. I couldn’t tell. Either way, the scent was too much for me. I dropped his arm.

          “And you are the only vamp-human kid there’s ever been; you play the piano incredibly well; your favorite color is dark purple; you constantly dress in black; your favorite band is Hollywood Undead and you find drawing and coloring on yourself interesting. Anything else I neglected to mention?” Wow. Did this guy have a file on me, or something? I stared at him and he stared back.

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