Chapter 4: My Boring Trip to Arizona the Hot and Dry

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          The wind brushed my cheeks as Fang and I kicked up streams of dirt. We had left Montana several hours ago, and we were semi close to Salt Lake City, as we were not traveling on the road, but instead just kept a map and a compass with us in case, in the very unlikely event that we should, we get lost.

          At about 3 A.M, I stopped and set up a less than temporary bed so I could take a nap before the sun came up.


          Fang watched with boredom as Alex set up her bed. When she had finally made it, he laid straight out on the dirt. He knew she was asleep when her breathing became more deep and regular. Fang thought about what had happened earlier: did she really think he had been joking when he said she was as pretty as the stars? Yes, and she was still in love with that Ary-boy. Fang made a face. His mission: get Alex away from Ary as long as possible—hopefully until he was dead.

          Fang stared up at the stars, drawing imaginary pictures in them. His muscles tensed, and he knew that worrying over his job would cause another accident, so he relaxed his breathing and closed his eyes, taking deep cleansing breaths.

          Finally, after what was probably at least two and a half hours of laying on the dirt, Alex woke up and packed up her bed. The sun was barely peeking above the horizon. She hummed as she worked, he noticed, and stretched out his back. He didn’t to wait any longer than he had to. With a grunt and a nod, he set off again, letting Alex catch up to him briefly.

          Together, they ran all the way through St. George in Utah. At almost midnight, once they were past it, they took a break.

          Fang went back for an hour to scout for a hobo to feed on. Traveling practically killed him. The boredom drove him to insanity and going at such a pace and worked up his bloodlust. He did manage to find one, and sated his thirst completely. He took his time getting back to Alex, knowing that she would be sleeping anyway.


To spare you all the boring details (if I haven’t bored you to death already) about the remainder of our trip, I’ll just skip straight to Phoenix, Arizona.

          It was like, uber hot. We were panting from the heat even before we had completely reached the capital. At this moment, I had never been more jealous of Ary. He was still up in Montana, getting soaked by the autumn rains.

          Following the map, we located St. Genivive’s to be about 30 miles south of the city, but we had to take a dirt path strewn with cacti. At about the 20 mile point, there was a new trail to the right. We guessed it led to Ruthbard’s Military Camp.

          Our new school was pure white, and was at least as big as a university. With four three-story buildings, it had huge lawns and tall bronze statues dotting the campus. I felt highly insignificant compared to it. Fang hurried across the biggest lawn, barely sparing a glance to his surroundings. I grunted and hurried after him, since he seemed to know what he was doing.


He made his way across the grass. He’d been here many times, planning and revising his master’s plans. Before he met up with Alex in Montana, he had warned the staff and students here not to recognize him or do anything to suggest he had been here before.

          It was still summer vacation, so not many students and staff were there at the moment. Fang knew registration was that day, so he pulled out his file. It was empty, but he had his ways of, ahem, convincing people. The glass sliding doors of the teacher’s building reflected him momentarily. He turned for a moment, to make sure Alex was still behind him, and waited impatiently for the secretary to get off the phone and talk to him.

          She looked over her glasses at him, typing something into the computer. “May I help you?” She asked.

          Fang rolled his eyes but whispered, “Target 1 is ready to move into position.” He glanced pointedly at his file and Alex, who was looking at the ceiling and walls.

          The secretary nodded and handed him two stacks of papers. He glanced back at her one more time before grabbing Alex’s arm and leaving.

          “So these are our schedules?” Alex asked when Fang handed her her set of papers, and Fang nodded. She looked confused for a moment. “How did you enroll us so fast? Doesn’t registration take longer than that?”

          Fang shook his head. He quickly made up an excuse. “Registration here doesn’t take that long, apparently. Do you think Lady Sonja called before we came? The secretary just handed me a stack of papers when I told her our names.” He shrugged, and glanced around, looking for the boys’ dorm. “Your dorm is that way,” he pointed,” and mine is that way,” he pointed the other way. “I’m in dorm room 204 if you need me.” He headed off, leaving Alex on her own.


I grumbled under my breath, wishing Fang had stayed with me, since he knew what he was doing. My gaze was torn between my papers and the dorm. A few girls were already hanging out in front of the doors. I groaned inwardly and trudged past them with my head down.

                         [A/N: this is an incomplete chapter. I'm sorry, but I've just been too busy to work on it]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2011 ⏰

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