Our Plant

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"Steve, did you water our plant?" Natasha questioned, her face full of sincerity.

"We have a plant?" Steve asked, as he did not know that they had a plant.

Natasha nodded, looking a little agitated. She snapped, "Remember when I bought a seed from the store near us? I planted a seed in our van, on the shelf. We have to take turns to water it."

Frowning, Steve thought back. His mind clicked as he remembered that it indeed happened. He squeezed his eyes tight, knowing Natasha would be extremely mad if she found out he had not watered the plant...ever. Natasha rolled her eyes and huffed.

"You haven't ever watered the plant, have you?"

Steve pursed his lips together and chuckled nervously, giving her his apologetic face.

"No wonder it looks like it's wilting!" Natasha raised her voice. Steve shifted uncomfortably as he stood, knowing she was going to kill him and never let this go.

"I'm sorry!" Steve blurted out. He needed to get an apology in before she screamed at him.

"You're sorry?" Natasha laughed. "Steve, you know how much I treasure these kind of things!"

"I know! I'm truly sorry, I just got caught up with trying to find out if the government still hates us... guess there's an obvious answer to that," Steve ranted. He noticed Natasha's impatient face. "Anyway, I'm really sorry, Nat."

Natasha shouted, "Don't you know our plant needs to be watered? I care for it!"

"I know, Nat," Steve replied. His mind drifted. Could it be possible she was referring to him as the plant? Or that she was channeling her confusion about her feelings into feelings for the plant? "Why do you care for the plant so much?"

"It's our plant, mind you, and.. I don't know! I've spent time with it!" Natasha shouted back, realising she was not talking about their plant anymore.

Steve smirked, "Well, why don't you tell it, then? I heard plants grow better when being talked to."

Natasha frowned and stared into his dreamy eyes. "'Cause maybe I don't deserve it?"

"Nonsense! You're an amazing person, Natasha. You're gorgeous, kind, forgiving and smart. On top of that, you care for your plant," Steve smiled, realising he could indirectly flirt with her like this, and get their feelings out. He walked closer to Natasha. "So why don't you kiss your plant, or something?"

That last statement did not make sense, but Steve and Natasha did not care. In the heat of the moment, Natasha jumped into his arms and passionately kissed him with tongue. Their kiss was electric, and their lips felt like magnets. Steve wrapped his arms around Natasha, embracing her. She put her hands on his cheeks, not wanting to stop kissing him. She realised his kissing skills improved when she really liked him, compared to when they were just friends and being forced into the fake kiss a few years ago. Though they did not want the moment to stop, their lips separated, still in the same positions. Their eyes slowly opened and they saw each other's attractive faces. Steve gulped, and Natasha took in a deep breath. Did they really just make out after a fight about a plant? Natasha smiled, her heart fluttering with joy. They finally kissed-no, made out.

"That was amazing," Natasha giggled. "What, did you take lessons or something?"

Steve let out a little chuckle and he shook his head. "Maybe you just like me now."

Their faces turned from happy to shocked, and Steve realised he had just made the conversation awkward.

"Or-Or maybe you don't. I don't know," Steve tried to fix it, but he was just pouring salt on the wound.

"What, you think I just go out kissing random people in the streets like that?" Natasha playfully asked, her hand on his neck.

Steve had no idea if she was being serious and angry, or playful and flirty. He assumed the latter.

"So I'm special?"

"Course you are."

They had no idea what they were, but it did not matter as they had all the time in the world and did not need labels. Their eyes made contact again, but this time, Steve made the move and grabbed her neck, then kissed her sweetly, without tongue. Their lips touched and they closed their eyes, both savouring the moment.

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