No. 1 Rule

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"I mean," Steve gulped. "I'm not telling you."

Pouting, Natasha nudged him a little on the shoulder and gave him the 'puppy dog eyes'.

"Please?" Natasha pleaded. Steve gasped under his breath and stared into her eyes. What he would do to kiss her...

Natasha snapped her fingers and waved her hands in front of his face. "You alright, Steve?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," Steve replied, returning back to reality.

Realising she was not going to get an answer from him, Natasha sighed and retreated to the van.

"You're really going to go in there?" Steve asked.

"Better than sitting out here and never getting an answer out of you."

Natasha poured herself a cup of coffee and stirred it gently. She cupped it in her hands and blew it, then slowly put it at her lips and tipped it up. The coffee being horrible was not her only concern, as it also burnt her lips. She felt a sizzle against her fragile lips, which made her eyes widen. She somewhat shrieked and put the cup down immediately. Steve, upon hearing Natasha's somewhat shriek, rushed into the inhospitable van and saw Natasha drinking cold water.

"I'm alright," Natasha stopped drinking the cold water and rushed to say. "Don't worry."

Steve nodded and asked, "What happened?"

"Stupid coffee burnt my lips," Natasha answered, still holding a grudge against the steaming hot coffee. "They should warn us or something."

"Warn us?" Steve scoffed, thinking of how cute Natasha was sometimes... She was in her loose t-shirt that said 'NO', and some black leggings, but yet, she looked amazing. How? He stared at her outfit, secretly gawking.

"What are you looking at?" Natasha snapped teasingly. Steve shook his head and smiled.

The number one rule of making someone fall for you:
Act clueless.

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