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BEFORE laughing hysterically, Natasha gave Steve a strange look. Who could blame her? The most patriotic and pure man in the world, saying he cheated on his partner? No way, right? Steve looked her dead in the eye, repent written on his face. Natasha's eyebrows relaxed as her lighthearted reaction began to morph into seriousness.

"You-You what?" Natasha stammered, barely getting the words out of her mouth. Steve looked at the cobblestone sidewalk, not sure of what to say to her. Steve's silence made hot tears well up in Natasha's eyes as she covered her mouth in shock. She moved a step back as her heart pounded uncontrollably. Her mind began to flood with unbearable thoughts. Steve-whom she had loved with all her heart, cheated on her?

Natasha started breathing heavily as a tear fell from her eye. "How long has this been going on?"

"I only cheated last night, I swear," Steve instantly replied to Natasha. "I regret it so much..."

Her heart shattering into a million pieces, Natasha plunged into the depths of despair. She shook her head as more tears she failed to hold rolled down her soft cheek. She hated showing emotions, especially to the public. She closed her eyes, remembering that pain only made her stronger. She knew that if she had stayed in Steve's presence for one more minute, she would have lost control.

"You jerk," Natasha snapped as she ran off, emotions overwhelming her. Never in a million years would she have even dreamt that Steve would have cheated on her. Steve tried to chase after her, but he lost sight of her in a matter of seconds.

Once she got to the nearest toilet, she rushed into a cubicle, slammed the door and let out a waterfall of tears. She slid down the square tiled wall, sobbing. Why had he cheated? Was she not good enough? Not badass enough? Not funny enough? Not pretty enough? Little did she know, the true reason was none of those things-in fact, it had nothing to do with her at all! However, insecurities she had pushed away all started coming back as she thought about Steve. Love truly was poison...

After a few minutes of hell, the toilet door opened and a woman's voice could be heard.

"Nat?" It was Wanda. She came to comfort her friend...

Though Natasha tried to silence her whimpering, Wanda could still sense she was there. She shook her head and walked closer to the cubicle Natasha was in.

Wanda said, "Nat, I'm so sorry about what happened."

"You (deep breath) heard (deep breath) us?" Natasha managed to get the words out of her mouth with much difficulty. It was obvious she had been crying, as she had a quavering voice and she took deep breaths to catch her breath in between words.

"I didn't mean to, really," Wanda paused. "I overheard you two. Steve did a horrible thing, and I want you to know I'm here for you, like how you were there for me."

Natasha nodded and more tears fell from her eyelashes.

After a minute of silence, Wanda offered, "You can come with me up to Avengers Tower if you like. We could go to my room and talk, maybe?"

As much as Natasha tried to convince herself she wanted to be alone at that moment, she knew she needed a friend.

"I-I guess."

A/N: This reality includes Wanda not being snapped, so that's why she's part of the story. She has not gone cuckoo yet, and Natasha's kinda her emotional support rock.

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