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Rijin POV:

"It's a relief Hojin did not ask more questions" Yuta sighs placing a bag on the table which I believe belong to me. "He did not ask anything?" I raise a brow. "Of course he did, he just did ask for more. I said you were asking for it which he buys" Yuta said going to a table drinking a glass of water.

"How long do I have to hide from Sicheng? I don't think he will do something like that" I states. "You think. Mrs. Dong said Sicheng did not go home since last night and I'm pretty sure he's looking around for you" Yuta sat across the table. "Does he know this place?"

"We go here once but I don't think he will think about going here" The man nods his head. "Plus I told that old geezer outside if Winwin ever go here don't let him know you're here" Yuta adds. "Then, what will I do if Sicheng is here? Should I run? Like he's gonna kill me?" I jokes. "Yes" I'm surprise, why can't he take a joke? "I'm just kidding"

"I'm not. Do run for your life if you see him. He looks like he's on drugs so run if you see him. And contact me as well, I can't sleep at all last night, I'm so worried" Yuta close his eyes for a second. "Sleep here first. I'll be fine" I smiles. "Fine. Wake me up in 4 hours or so" I nods as he lie down on the bed.

I hug my legs turning on my phone. Yuta turn it off last night so I did get the chance to contact anyone. I press silent and turn off location before settling to my messages. To my surprise, there's not a single text from Sicheng. Maybe he's not doing what Yuta is saying?

I appreciate him being worried but Sicheng is not as bad as he thinks. He should know it better than I am. They seem to be so close to each other. And this is happening? Because of me?

I'm making a huge mess right now. It's because of me if their long time friendship gets ruined. I can't let that, should I deal with Sicheng myself? But I'm scared. Why? Why am I scared? Am I shook by what happened last night?

The fight between Taeyong and Sicheng, it's because of me. Yuta said it as well. That half of it was my fault.

I quietly exit the room walking through the empty hallway of the inn. I continue to walk until I reach the front house. It was empty so I exit the inn. There he is, the grandpa that owns the inn. "Mister, do you need help?" I offer. "Young woman?" I approach him walking to the snowy ground. "Are you harvesting?" I look down on his plant. "Didn't Nakamoto told you not to leave?"

"Nakamoto? Oh Yuta, he's asleep. Plus, I'm just here" I look around the place. "I'm thinking of cooking Nakamoto some soup, he look tired earlier" The older man crouch down pulling one of his harvest. "Did something bad happen?" He adds. "It's because of me" I sighs. "What do you mean?" The old man question. "I started all this mess"

"Why are you blaming yourself when young Nakamoto wasn't even saying anything" The old man sighs. "I know he's not just saying anything because he don't want to hurt my feelings" I sighs. "No, Nakamoto is always careful of his words. He does not just blame anyone. I can tell he's protecting you as a sister like this time"

"I have to go back." Yuta exits the room. "See you!" I shouts which he return with a wave. I close the wooden door leaning on it.

"Where are you?" Sicheng ask from the other line. "Somewhere...why?" I stutter. I'm nervous as hell. Why tho? Because of what Yuta has been telling me? "Can we meet?" He replied. "I'm actually busy right now, is it urgent?" I took a deep breath. "Yes, I've been waiting since last last night" I close my eyes sighing. "Where are you? I'll go to you" The man adds. "You...uh should sleep first. I'm doing something right now"

"Are you hiding from me?" He question. "No! No, why would I hide from you?" I mumbles. "Then open the door right now" The next thing I heard was banging on the door I'm leaning on. "Open the door" Sicheng calmly said behind me. I cover my mouth trying not to let out any noise. "I knew something is odd, Yuta visiting this inn suddenly?" I felt him lightly kick the door.

"Open the door, I just want to talk" He sighs. "You promise?" I replied. "Yes, I promise" My hands were trembling but I slowly open the door. It revealed Sicheng still in his suit, his hair were messy and push back. Did he not go home? The wedding was last 2 days. "Let me in?" Sicheng lean his arm on the wall. "Co....come in"

"Drink first" I put a cup of water on the table for him. I slowly sat down across the table as he sip on the water I gave him. "Did...did you not go home?" I ask even tho I know the answer. "I was staying here since last week, I leave my house. I can't stand seeing Jaehyun"

"Should I call Yuta? So he could drive you home" I enquire. "No, I'm here to talk to you. He even told that old guy not to let me in, apparently, that old guy did not recognize me" He starts. "You said we'll only talk..." I bit my lips looking away. "We are"

"Am I scaring you?"

𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 (𝖣𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗀) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu