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Rijin POV:

Both me and Jaehyun run in the hospital. He go straight to the front desk to ask what's going on, as for me, I went straight to my Mom's room. To my surprise, my Mom was calmly eating fruits while Hojin was asleep on the couch. "Mom? Are you alright?" I catch my breath. "I am, did you run here?" she frowns. "I thought something happened to you!" I shouts.

"What would happen to me?" She hold in her smile having another bite of the bowl of fruit she's holding. "Jaehyun was called here for emergency, I thought it's because of you" I flop down on the chair. The anxiety kept eating me as days moves. I feel like if someone's calling Jaehyun to the hospital, it's because of my Mom.

I wanted to tell my Mom that I'm scared of what will happen to me if she dies but I know, one day she will be really gone for good. "Rijin, I said go see Jaehyun" I snap out of my thoughts facing my Mom. "Huh?"

"Go see Jaehyun. Tell him I'm alright" She said. I stood up nodding. Turning around, I began to exit the room. "Miss, where's Doctor Jung?" I ask the lady at the front desk. "He's at the ER." She answers. I thank her before making my way to the Emergency Room.

I look around the not so big room, he's nowhere to be found. Where is he? "Mister, where's Doctor Jung?" I ask one Doctor. "He exit that door earlier" He points at a door before leaving. I move my foot walking to the door. I open the door and a stairs welcome me. Does this lead to the rooftop? Without any answer, I walk up to the stairs until I'm at the rooftop.

The wind welcome me, my hair flew as I continue to get in further the rooftop. I look around until I stop a man crouch down on the wall, his lab gown were soak with blood. Slowly, I walk towards him. His back were awfully familiar, it's Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun? What are you doing here? It's cold" I rub my arms standing next to him. "Rijin, I killed a patient" I was surprise as he said those words. "What?" I replied. "If only I'm a little early, I would have save him" He sat down on the ground looking down on his bloody hands. "Please enlighten me"

"He got into accident, his daughter and wife were watching me but, he dies in my watch. While I'm there" He chuckles with tears dripping down on his cheeks. "Are you saying it's your fault?" I crouch down beside him. "It is my fault" He elaborate. "Are you stupid?" I hit his head causing him to look at me. "What?"

"How is it your fault? You tried to save him, that's what matters" I encourage. "You don't understand" He sighs. "No, I completely understand you. What if my Mom die? Do you want me to blame you for that? No, I won't blame you. Why? Cause you already did your best to save her" I smiles. "Rijin..." he mutters. "Now, let's go." I tried to pull him up.

"I'll drive, give me your keys" I show him my palm. "I can drive" He sighs. "You're pale, I don't want to die yet" I jokes slipping my hand on his pocket. I grab the keys going to the driver side. "Put on your belt" I reminds. He nods doing as what I said. I start the engine driving us back to the house.

"Hyung! What happened?" A tall man which I believe is younger than me run towards Jaehyun. Woah! There are loads of unfamiliar faces here. "I'll go sleep first" I look at Jaehyun's drop shoulder, he ignore everyone and went straight to the guest room. I'm worried. That affected him so much and deep. "What happened?" Doyoung turns to me which results to everyone turning to me as well, waiting for my answer. "I...I don't think it's my place to say it"

"No, it's okay, what happened?" Taeyong ask this time. "Uhm....a patient of him died" I rub my hand together while saying those words. Multiple oh's erupt the area. "Alright! Let's leave Jaehyun alone for now. No one bother him specially you Jungwoo and Jisung" So that kids name is Jisung. He look so young. "So uh...excuse me" I stutters walking pass those giants. Looking at them all together standing in front of me feels like I'm in a forest of giants. Specially that Johnny, Jungwoo and Doyoung. They're giants.

The next morning, it was noisy compare to the days when it's only me and Sicheng in the house. I exit my room when my attention caught the guest room that's been close since last night. "Don't bother him" Sicheng exits his room. "I won't" I rolls my eyes. "I'm worried" I adds. "Do you think Jaehyun is the type to commit suicide after such a failure?" He questions. "You never know"

"He won't. He's not like you" I frowns. What does he mean by that? He's speaking like he knows me well. It hasn't been a month yet since I started working here. "You know me?" I point at myself. "Better than you know" He walks away leaving me in daze.

"Jaehyun~ it's dark already, you haven't eaten since last night" I sang leaning on the lock door behind me. "I'm not hungry" his voice crack while he speaks from inside. "Even though you're not, you should still eat" I replied. "Rijin, go" I heard him let out a sigh. "Jaehyun" I calls. "Why?" Considering how clear his voice is, he's probably sitting behind me through the door. "You can talk to me"

"What?" He softly replied. "You can always talk to me, that's what friends for" I reassures. "I know but Rijin, I can't do it right now" He mutters but enough for me to hear.

"Alright, but please, eat. I'm worried"

𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 (𝖣𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗀) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz