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Rijin POV:

"How's your Mom's surgery?" Sicheng questions. Maybe he felt me going in since he's not facing me, like always. His eyes were glued to the huge TV with his game on. "It went well, I guess?" I'm confuse. He literally just said this morning that we're not close and yet he kept asking personal questions and I'm confuse more that I kept answering him. "You guess?" He tilt his head facing me from the couch. "Well, she's still at the intensive care unit" I nods. "I hate hospitals"

"Why so?" I raise a brow. "Who likes it?!" He shouts. "You're right but I like it" I smiles. "Why is that?" He frowns in symbol of confusion. "Cause my Mom basically live there and if I kept going there it means that she's still alive" I giggles. "For a problematic person, you kept smiling" He look back on the screen. "I should cook you dinner" I walk in the kitchen.

"Hey" Oh. He follows me. "Yes?" I face him. "Can you uh...teach me? You see, my Mom is coming here from China, I told her I'm dependent enough to cook for myself and she said she wants me to cook for her when she gets here" I can tell he's careful with his words. "Sure" I nods.

"You don't know how to hold a knife?" I can't believe what I'm seeing. He look so clueless. "Is that a surprise?" He turn to me. "No." I force a smile. "Hold it like this" I grab one knife holding it. "Now, peel the onion" I said the next step. "How?" He look at me again. "Wow! I can't believe this! Like this" I slide the both end of the onion. I then cut it in the middle before peeling it.

"How's it?" I ask as he taste the meal he cooked. "It's salty" He quickly open one compartment getting a drink. "Whatever. I'll save it" I open the stove again. I put a spoon of sugar waiting for it to boil. I then add a little bit of black pepper and a pinch of salt.

"You should eat now" I place a plate of food on the table. "I said it's salty, why are you making me eat it?" He whines. "I save it. It's not that bad anymore" I sat on the other chair.

I held the bouquet of flower in my hand as I walk in the hallway of the hospital. My Mom were finally back in her room after staying in the intensive care unit for a few days. As for Hojin, he went back home after staying up all night just to watch over our Mom. "Jaehyun?" I knock on his office door. "Rijin?"

"Here, drink it while it's hot" I place a cup of coffee on the table. "Thank you" I smiles. "What's there to thank for? It's my work" He smiles standing up. "Right, shall we head out to see your Mom?" He ask. "Oh, right" I nods. We were about to exit his office when two more tall men walk in. "Yuta" Yuta? I look up. I'm surprised. It's really that Yuta and beside him was...my boss. "Mister"

"Stop calling me Mister" He sighs. "You know each other?" Jaehyun asks. "I should be asking the same thing" Sicheng replied. "Well, I'm the doctor of her Mom" Jaehyun point at me. "And he's my boss" I speaks. Is this how small the world is? These handsome men's are friends or more over, close friends. "Rijin, let's go" Jaehyun smiles. "Oh right. Bye" I wave at Yuta following Jaehyun out. "Let us come!" Yuta shoots following us with Sicheng beside him.

"Mom, this is my boss" I introduce Sicheng to my Mom. "Hello" My Mom greets. "Hello" Sicheng bows back. "And who is this guy?" Mom turns to Yuta. "Oh, Nakamoto Yuta, just Yuta. I'm her friend" Yuta playfully throw his arm around my shoulder. "You're close?" Sicheng raise a brow. "Yeah—"

"Mom!" My brother cut off Yuta. He walk in with a bunch of fruit on his arm. "Why is it so crowded? Who are you?" Hojin asks the two unfamiliar men. "Jaehyun - hyung, hello" Hojin greets Jaehyun.

"So, Rijin, which one of them?" My Mom ask making the whole room wrap in confusion. "Which one what?" I replied. "She meant is which one of the three, I vote for Jaehyun-hyung" Hojin sat on the couch beside the bed. "What?! Why would I chose to them?!" I exclaims. "Noona, you don't seem to understand a thing here. You're already 23,you should be dating someone now and I know exactly who's free, Doctor Jaehyun here"

"Shut your mouth" I warns. "If you turn 24 and you haven't dated anyone yet, I'll end up having a 30 year old sister that's been single all her life" Hojin ignored my warning. "Rijin haven't dated anyone?" Jaehyun asks. "Right question! She does but it did not end well so let's not go there. Hyung, just ask my Noona out instead of asking me things" Hojin continues to blabber.

"Mom! Work! I need to go now , my boss is now mad. Bye!" I throw the flower to Hojin pushing Sicheng outside. "What's wrong with you?!" He fix his now messy sweater. "Let's go home" I casually said. "Are you leaving without saying anything to your mom?" He questions.

"Nah, it's fine. Let's go"

𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 (𝖣𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗀) Where stories live. Discover now