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Rijin POV:

MY eyes burst open. Again, it's hunting me again. It's been 5 months since that happened. I want to forget it but I can't and I don't know how. I sigh sitting up. I wear my flip flops standing up from the bed. My eyes landed on the picture frame, I push it down exiting my room.

"Where's Huan?" Sicheng enters the kitchen. "Didn't she said she would go out with Jaehyun?" I ask back. "Oh, right" He sighs opening a compartment. He grab a glass pouring a water in it. "I guess it's going well" I continue to mix the food I'm cooking. "I told you to forget it" He snaps. "I wanted to forget it too but it's so hard" I jokingly give him a puppy eyes. "God. You're so annoying"

"Now that I think about it, you're the same age as Huan, why aren't you preparing to get married?" I asks. "Do you want to get married now?" He approach me, standing close to me. He lean down smiling at me. "Why would we get married?" I raise a brow. "Why not? We're compatible" Wow. He really change. It hasn't been a year since I started working here and all these months, he started changing. He went from intimidating to a full flirtatious guy.

"How can you say we're compatible?" I turn my body facing him. He slightly smiles leaning his hand on the counter behind me. "Aren't we? You never complain about it" He shrug. "Well, considering my looks, I guess we're compatible but I actually never imagine us getting married" I cross my arm. "Is that so, amica mea?" He wiggle his brows. "What does that mean?" I questions. "Find it out yourself" He exits the kitchen leaving me alone.

"Jaehyun? You call for me?" I enter the backyard. I slowly approach the table where he's sitting. "Rijin, could you do me a favor?" He asks. "Sure, what is it?" I smiles. "Actually, we're holding this photoshoot tomorrow. The wedding is set in 2 weeks, are you in favor of photographing us before and during the wedding?" He ask.

Again, I'm lost. I feel like I'm in an expedition and I'm loosing all my teammates. Why does he have to make things painful? Is he really not aware that I'm hurting? Does he not feel that at all? I know he's not responsible for what I'm going through right now, considering that it's never his fault. But why? Why does he have to do this to me?

Jung Jaehyun, are you really messing with me or you wanted to see me suffer more? How much more do I have to suffer? I know you never does anything that makes the reason for me to be attracted to a guy like you, but why? It seems like you wanted to showcase your happiness to me which is the complete opposite of mine.

"Huan actually ask me to ask you. She said she'll feel more comfortable knowing that you're photographing us" The word us almost completely pull me down to breaking down. "Sure. Alright, I'll photograph you two" I smiles.

What am i even doing? I'm letting myself put in a complicated situation just so I could admire the guy I know would never be mine. What's wrong with me? Why am I doing this to myself? For what? What is exactly waiting for me when I finally achieved this mission given for me? What's waiting for me?

"Are you sure?" He stood up. Right. Am I sure? I can't answer that myself as well. And I don't want to answer it. "Yes" I nods and to my surprise, he pull me closer to him, embracing me. What's he doing? Playing with my feelings again? "Thank you, Rijin"

"Where are you going?" Sicheng turns off his game approaching me. "I'm going out to buy something" I answer. "Where to? Can I tag along? I need to buy a new HDMI" he sighs. "Sure. It's free ride. I'll wait for you" I run out the house.

"Let's go to yours first" He starts the engine. "Where to?" He give me a short look going back to the road as he drive the car out of his property. "Anywhere I could buy a clothes" I look away. For some reason, I'm embarrassed. Why tho? Why am I embarrassed? "Alright"

Why won't he ask me questions? It's only him whom I could tell all my problems. Which is weird. Weird but good. "Why aren't you asking me about it?" I softly asks. "Why would I ask?" He kept his eyes on the road. "Usually people would be curious and ask why? You're probably not interested in my life at all" I rolls my eyes.

"I am interested to what's happening to you but I know when to not be nosy and just go along with the flow"

"Let's go" He turns off the engine. I remove my belt exiting his car. Together, we walk in the store. It was quiet and a few ladies welcome us. "Go on" He go straight to the men area. I nods going to the other side. I look through the pile of clothes hanging until a certain white halter top caught my attention. I grab it, my eyes immediately went to the price tag.

A lots of zero. Should I take the risk? Slowly, I was about to put it back when a hand stop me. I look at the owner, Sicheng. He throw it at the basket he has before getting a few more top. He grab the basket giving me a look.

"Let's go, no need to hesitate"

𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 (𝖣𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗀) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat