Thank You Note & Moral Values

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First of all thank you each and everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the love & support for THE MIRACLE story..... I am so glad for all the love showered for my first ever story... It was an emotional journey throughout...... I never knew I could write till I started this FF... I really enjoyed writing The Miracle... The story will stay close to my heart forever...  My sincere apologies if there is any mistake within the story in terms of the timeline, relationships and the sangiyam for the functions... I am not very well verse in those... If there is anything not right there do let me know & I'm sorry for any mistakes there 🙏

The main reason I starting writing FF is to celebrate Chithu.... And to see her at least in imagination in scenes that I write out.... Nextly, I needed some space and a relieve from the personal losses I have faced which has affected me mentally... This was the main reason which brought me to write FF's...

THE MIRACLE..........

This story is partly from my own experience.... I have lost 2 of my closed ones due to Cancer.... I very well know the sufferings of the person who is diagnosed with Cancer and also the mindset of their close relations....

First I loss my father back in January 2020.... He was diagnosed with Colorectal cancer back in 2016... It definitelu changed our lives... It was not easy caring for person diagnose with cancer... They become very depressed & upset.... They will throw tantrums and become very temperamental... He passed away when I was in my final semester of my Degree studies... 

Next I loss my babysitter who was like my 2nd mother to me.... She was diagnosed with 4th stage Stomach Cancer back in November 2020.... And she passed away in March 2021... Her death really broke me into pieces after Chithu's passing..... I just couldn't find my old self.....  I couldn't go and see her for the one last time due to lockdown... I was stuck in my hometown and I was able to only go for her 16th Day prayers.... It really killed me inside..... It was totally not easy coping with loses...

And recentl;y in August I lost my grandmother due to old age..... So all this losses have driven me nuts... So i began writing to just keep my mind away from unwanted thoughts.... 

So being real honest I know how dealing with person with Cancer feels like and I know how their mindset is... Its totally not easy...... 

This is where THE MIRACLE story was inspired from..... Being frank, how much I wished this Miracle happened in my life to where I dont have to bear the pain of losing both of my loved ones due to Cancer....... 

My note here is that spend the most time with your loved ones, be with them when they need you cause you never know when what can happen...
Remember to value the person always before its too late.... Don't run for things in life.... Learn to appreciate & love the people around us.... Because you never know when will be the last moment....

The flashback part in this story where Sanjay who was mentioning about his grandmother was based on my babysitters case.... My mother who was the one who suggested the Shiruto supplement to her daughters to be given for my babysitter... It did good to her for few months post operation.... Then don't know what want wrong... Her condition detoriated within few weeks..... So we can only make efforts but at the end of the day God decides.....
But at the same time this Shiruto has helped out many cancer patients out there & several others with other medical conditions.... It all depends....

This are some of the Moral Values which I have lightly highlighted out from the story....

1. Value and appreciate people always

2. True love always wins and triumphs at the end

3. Parents love is the greatest Gift by God.

4. Learn to live life to the fullest

5. Think before you act

6.  With strong will power & mind set anything is possible

7. The love & care by loved ones is the most valuable thing on earth

8. Friendship is the most invaluable thing in one's life

9.  Don't hide imporatnt things in life from loved ones, as it can cause a huge problem in future

10. Do not make any decision in anger... It will destroy your whole life...

11. Learn to live for the people who are there for us, and not just for the sake of society

12. Anything is possible to happen when you put your heart & soul into it

13.  Fulfill any wish made by person if you're able top. Because you never know, it maybe their last wish

14. Seek forgiveness from anyone you have hurt knowingly or unknowingly before its too late......

15. Money is not everything in life... Its just a major part in life.....

That's the end for THE MIRACLE........

Thank you once again for all the love showered, feedback & comments for this story ❣..

It was supposed to be a short story when I first planned which was around 11 chapters... But with all the love & support it touched & came up to 40 Chapters... Thank you so much all... I am so touched with everyone's sweet gesture & love for our KCasKM..... And for all the support given to me for my 1st ever story.......

Will return soon with my next story ❤

We will surely meet again........Till then take care all & stay safe 😊

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