Through it all

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We met when I was young
Never looked back ever since
You showed me life from all angles
From the bad ones
To all the good ones
I am grateful because I know
That I am stronger now
More grateful as each day passes
You have blessed me greatly
I have a family like no other
Friendships that will last forever
You have given me hope
Breakthroughs beyond my imagination
I am thankful Lord, I am
We have come a long way, you and I
We have been through a lot together
I will faithfully trust you, no matter what
This love I feel, I can't explain
But I know you understand it
Please always keep me in your light
No doubt, you and I will always be tight
From Thomas, your loving child.

Strings in my mind (Poetry Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora