Laying down under the tree, I thought, do I love him that much? What if I lose my memory again? Will I forget him too? Damn it! I ruffled my hair when the idea hit me.

'Let me get his name tattooed.'


'Aaaaaaaaaaa it fucking hurts, you moron!'

'Well you are not in a spa centre, of course, it will.' The guy said who was writing Keisuke on my neck area near the shoulder.

'Hurry the fuck up!' I said gritting my teeth, It wasn't a good idea, after all, Damn it! I closed my eyes, gripping on the guy's t-shirt and almost ripping it off.

'Don't rip off my shirt missy.'

'SHUT UP! Your T-shirt is ugly anyways!' I growled in pain.

'Who is this person that you are willing to endure all this pain for? You clearly can't tolerate pain.'

'Huh?' my eyes widened. Really, who is Keisuke to me? Why does it hurt so much? The pain I'm enduring right now seems to ease my heartache from last night.

'Hello?' He waved his hands in front of me.

'Huh? not your business!'

'Alright, alright,' he said before going back to puncturing my skin with ink.

'I keep on losing my memories. I keep forgetting people who I used to hold dear to my heart. This time I wanted to make sure I didn't lose this person.' I said watching the leaves sway with the cold breeze. The tattoo guy smiled before going back to work.


'Ahh, it hurts.' I said as I walked to my peace spot. I might have a fever.

'Hey, you.'

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaa' I squeal, throwing ninja kick to who over it was, but she dodged it and grabbed my foot.

'How did you get in Toman being such an airhead?' The girl asked before attempting to twist my ankle to drop me but failed. I was standing straight looking at her, my blood boiling with anger.

'What do you want?' I groaned with my hand forming into a fist.

'A little chitchat.'

'I have nothing to say to you,' I said as I removed my ankle from her grip with a light kick meeting her cheek.

'You like Baji don't you?'

'It has nothing to do with you.'

'Really?' She pushed me to the wall caging me as her face hover over mine. 'It has everything to do with me. I'm the reason that you get to see him. Or you would have been in heaven.'

'What do you want from me?'

'Leave Keisuke alone, bitch.'

'Hmmmh' I smirked. In a split second my forehead smashed her nose and I was free from her grip. 'I worry you that much? Even you act like a big dick, you have to come here and be a pussy. Well, let me tell you something.' I brought out a handkerchief and handed it to her.' I care about Baji, and if he chooses you, I'm absolutely fine... ' I inhaled,' with it. I don't owe him. So don't come and bother me, lousy cunt!'

I stomped out of the area and paced to the Riverside. I sat down and brought out my phone.

'Hello, Kazutora.'


Baji's POV

'Rise and shine, drunk son of mine.'

'Ma,' I whined while turning my back to her. '5 more minutes.

'You made Y/N cry last night.'

My eyes widened.'What?! How? When?' I hold my head trying to remember what happened but now I feel like Y/N.

'Why did you bring Isuzu yesterday?'

'Isuzu?' My temple wrinkled from intense concentration. And then I recalled. 'Ma'

She looked at me while opening the curtains in my room.

'I might have kissed Isuzu-chan.' I was expecting her to come and smack me so that it's easier to feel less guilty but she just sighed and sat beside me.

'Do you love Y/N?' She asked.

'Ma, I...' I was stuttering again. I don't know what word to use to exactly interpret my feelings for her. 'I love her a lot ma. I don't know what got in me yesterday. I just was so out of my head and Isuzu came to comfort me and I just.' Ma interrupted me by pulling me in her arms.

'She loves you a lot to my baby. Trust her. Just have hope, okay?'


I do have hope in her but, what should I freaking do? Apologize? I might as well confess to her tonight.


I waited for her to come home. Ma left to go to grandmas. To kill time, I might have made some peyoung and egg for us.

'What else do you do to make it more romantic?' I scratched my head.

'You could have some candles'

'Bakkkaaahhh,' I yelled at Chifuyu who scared the shit out of me. 'Are you secretly wishing me to die?'

'No no Baji-San',' he laughed. 'By the way where is she?' It's almost 11.

'I don't know, she never comes home this late.'

'I saw her with Hanma earlier,' Chifuyu wheeze.

I froze to my spot.

'She had this bandage wrapped around her neck. Ba...Baji-San!'

I was already out of the door heading to Hanma's house, but he wasn't there. I checked the convenience store but he wasn't there either. I drove to Riverside.

'Just what if....what if...I lost her?' I mumbled before the two came in my sight.



'Ouch! Shuji can't you be a little gentle.' I squealed as the alcohol stung so bad. I was getting my tattoo cleaned.

'Such a baby.'

'Okay and? Fuck!' I grabbed onto his jacket as he continued to clean it.

'That lucky bastard got his name written huh. If I ever see him, I might,' he leaned closer to my face, 'kill him.' He stared at my lips and my face flustered.

'Ha....Hanma..' Before our lips touched, I felt Someone's hand grab me and pull me from him. 'Baji? What are you doing here?' He didn't face me? He kept dragging me to his bike. I looked back at Hanma who looked fucking pissed out of his mind yet smiling like a psychopath. I waved at him with Baji still dragging me. 'Baji, can you please stop dragging me?!'

He didn't listen until I was on his bike and we headed home. I was stunted out of my mind. Like what just happened?

Y/N Asami Karukawa || Baji × Reader ♥ || Baji Fanfic √√Where stories live. Discover now