Chapter Seventeen- Checkmate and Combat

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I was standing on the outer ring of the circular clearing where Josh and I had first met. Josh was sitting casually on a yellow blanket, now barefoot, he had laid out on the ground. He was holding a chess piece from the chess board that was sitting in front of him.

The reason I gasped, wasn't because Josh had done something overly extravagant for me, like I had expected, but because it was just such a simplistic thing to do, something normal.

Josh smiled at me. "I thought that we could just do something regular, like playing chess, or do a puzzle. The all high and mighty life can be pretty overwhelming at times" He said gesturing to the many games and puzzles he had in a pile beside him. "I figured; why not celebrate your last day of being a regular person, before you become The Princess of London." He said with a smirk.

I nodded thankfully, unsure of what to say, before sitting myself on the ground opposite him.

Picking one up, I looked at the beautifully carved wooden chess pieces with a slight wonder. "Can you teach me how to play?" I asked, holding up one of the pawn.

"You haven't played before?" he asked, and I shook my head. "Well you've definitely asked the right person. None of my brothers, or Father has yet to beat me, so watch and learn." He said in a cocky voice. I laughed, but listened eagerly as Josh began to explain the rules.


"Yes! I win again! You lose! Let's face it Josh, you can't beat me." I said triumphal, skipping happily around the small clearing.

"Were you lying to me when you said you've never played before, because two hours ago, I was the one that was obliterated you?" he scrutinised me.

"No, I'm just a fast learner." I bragged, and Josh continued to look at the chess board looking for a fault but found none.

"I can't believe I was beaten by a girl, and not only once, but seventeen times." He said unbelievingly.

I came to a sudden stop, my skipping forgotten. A competitive look came over my face. "Are you suggesting that men are superior to women?" I asked, and Josh gave me a cheeky smirk.

"Well yes, in some cases, like sword fighting and fencing, no girl can beat a man at that." He smiled, thinking he had something over me.

"Anything you can do I can do better." I smirked teasingly, crossing my arms over my chest, beginning to walk back towards the castle.

"Hah!" he exclaimed, running after me, leaving the board games behind.

"I can do anything better than you." I continued as Josh caught up to me. He started walking backwards, smirking slightly while we argued.

"No you can't." He laughed, sizing me up.

"Yes I can." I said imitating his laugh.

Josh gave me a playful look. "No you can't."

"Yes I can." I realised the two of us were like Tiggers and Chester from this morning. The two of us were friendlily bickering.

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"Fine, why don't we settle this with a bet? If you think you can handle a sword against my years of training, then you can have the title of being the most logical, and strongest person in our family." He said emphasising the 'years' to try and make me cower out of the bet.

I wasn't allowing that. There wasn't possibly a more competitive person on this planet then I was, but Josh was trying very hard to prove me wrong. I smirked at Josh. "Fine, but don't go crying to your brothers when you lose." I challenged.

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