Imagine running away

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4 years ago, you lived in New York city, with Tony and Pepper. Pepper was your Math teacher and she let you stay with her when you were only 15. Living with them also welcomed you to S.H.I.E.L.D. While being an agent in S.H.I.E.L.D, everyone calls you Tony's daughter, and Loki's pet.

You met Loki 8 months ago, at the STARK industry. No one wanted to talk to you because your close to Loki and at the same time he barely pays attention to you, and you never thought of it that way since you both are always have fun at some point.

Being close to Loki pushed everyone away from your knowing that they cant mess with you.

So now your looking for Loki to spend time with cause you just finish class, and you know he should be in his room, and he was. But then you overheard what he is saying and it sounds like its about you.

Loki:I can never be with her. A loser like her cant be with someone like me and I have only played her. But I love how she thinks that we are together but far beyond the case of us together.


You peak in and see Sharon sitting on his lap and noticed that she was looking at you. You ran away from there and head to somewhere quiet, hollow, and no Loki.

You couldnt stop the tears running from your eyes and couldnt fix gour broken heart. Tony was heard at your door and you didnt bother answering it when you heard Loki's voice as well. You locked your door and block it and cover your window and turn off the lights.

You shut yourself out from everyone and regret making friends, especially with someone you tried to change and someone you thought was actually your best friends but was not.

Its been 2 hours and you havent leave your room, Pepper has tried to talk to you and you never answered.

Little while later you leave your room, and head to the bulletine board and see the paper that your and Loki stick up there that has a drawing of you both and a mark of your hand painting as a friends mark. You tear it off of the bulletine board, wrinckle it, and threw it in the trash bin. You walked away and still feel the pain.

Sharon was know around to be a jealous person to you cause she actually wants you to be alone and take Loki away from you.

You went back to your room and pack your school supplies and leave the headquarters and walk back to your house (Biological home). Your going to miss Tony and Pepper but whenever your hurt your gotta leave that place and leave everything and go on.

Your sure that no one saw you since no one called you and you know its your chance to leave.


Loki:what do you mean Y/N is gone?!

Nat:her supplies are not there, and she has been acting lonely and sad this whole time ever since she came back from your dorm. So is there something wrong between you two?

Loki:she never came to me today.

Nat:I saw her standing out of your room and look inside as if she saw something.


Nat:I dont know.

Loki:what time was that?

Nat:well... 3:15 maybe.

Loki:3!! Sharon was with...... Oh no.

Nat:Sharon? She was with you? Thats new. In your room?

Loki:yes. She told me she wants to hear me read something to her and.... When i did it sounds like she is refering it to...

Nat:what exactly did you read to her?

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