Imagine Loki protecting his girlfriend

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Loki was sitting in the throne and his guards brought you in to him. You were frighten knowing something bad is gonna happen.

Loki:why have you misbehave girl?

Y/N:forgive me I had to.

Loki:you do know those mens are beyond asgards soldiers.

Y/N:I know.

Loki:leave us guards.

His guards left and he left the throne and came down to you. He let other servents to take his helmet and scepter and order them to leave. His index fingers chin you up and made your eyes meet his.

Loki:darling you do know that this is suppose to be your final but you broke it.

Y/N:Im sorry. I tried to be good but I... They....



Loki:what did they do? Tell me.

Y/N:its nothing. Ill be good. Pls.

Loki:darling you know I'd do anything for you. I would never let you be kicked out.


Loki:I would always want you by my side.

Y/N:I'm sorry Loki. Im such a horrible servent.

Loki:now listen well darling, you are no servent to me. Your nothing like that, your my heart and all. Dont compare yourself like those other girls. Your nothing like them my love.

Y/N:I'm just... Sorry

Loki:look at me.

You looked at him and he pressed his lips against yours. You didnt want to let go because you felt safe with him close. Loki broke the kiss and pulled you in to his embrace.

Loki:I love you my dear.

Y/N:i love you too.

You left the throne room and head back to the kitchen. Out of all the female servents and maid, Loki choose you to be his. But also because he has a crush on you. Every maid looked at you as you walked through the doors again, and you head back to work. You never told Loki what is always happening but you want to keep it. What happen was that you put a dead rat in the asgardian soldiers dish, these soldiers are the ones who dis and harass you, you almost got raped by them until Thor saved you so you told Thor to not let anyone know.

So tonight, tonight is a big night, Odin threw a feast for the Warriors 3 and Sif for their battle in Jotunheim. You again are the one who is serving the table were the soldiers are. Loki was standing with Thor and watch everyone, but Loki was looking for you around the crowd. He then spot you at that table and saw you trying to fight back, everyone was rooting of how you were treated and Loki made his way to you. He pulled you away and block a hit from one of them.

Loki:out now.

Y/N:but Loki--


You left and turn back to Loki who is looking at you sadly. You made it out of the balcony and Thor spotted you. Loki made his way to you and saw you crying, he didnt know what to stay but he knows your upset that the fact he yelled at you.


Y/N:what do you want? Leave me alone.

Loki:listen I was pretending ok. I didnt mean to yell at you like that.

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