Chapter 5

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Shenshah's POV

It has been a month till I married that rajput princess Jodha. And in this month I have understood that it is not easy to break her apart. But this is a challenge for me I and love challenges. Today I am in mysore kingdom for some work. After the task was completed I was resting in my tent when my guard informed me that their was our soldier standing outside and it looks like he has been beaten mercifully. And but I got to know shocked me to the core that my soldier was beaten up by a girl. And after looking at the girl no one can say that she is the one who can break bones she looks so damn innocent. But it looks like that this innocence is only in her features not in her. She doesn't even know who I am what a oblivious girl she is. And she has guts to insult me on my face. Just good damn good now I have to handle her also. The clothes she was wearing it looks like she was just some villager. But how come the villagers never saw her. I asked my guards to look into this matter and inform me about her personal information. I am not going to let her live in peace after this small stunt that she has pulled. And she she declared that I am some poor king that doesn't even have money little does she know that I can buy every person in this kingdom than also my treasure is not gonna hurt.

It looks like my guards are becoming lazy they can't even collect some information about a girl. Or it can also be that she is clever enough to hide from everyone here. It is good for her because if she comes in front of me again I am not gonna forgave her. Tomorrow I have to go to the palace for some negotiations that the king wants to do with me but I just wanna attack here and start the war, win the war and than this kingdom also will be under my wing. But the king doesn't want a war what a coward he is so he wanna have sone talk and I can also ask for some of my beneficial things if I got interested in them and specially if that girl will be there than she is going to be my gift what I am gonna ask in exchange of peace between both the kingdoms. While having these thoughts in my mind I was drown in my dreamless slumber.

In the morning after waking up and practicing weaponary for sometime I was already in my way to the palace. And I don't know why but I have a feeling that this is gonna be my best decision I hope so that this meeting can finish soon so I can go back to my plan of revengue from both the girls. After reaching there I was escorted towards the room where maybe the meeting was gonna held. And there seated the king of the kingdom with an expression less face if I am gonna ask about his heart or something. I am not even interested in this talk but as the good king that I am I have to listen to him. And his reasons just don't sound anything new to me because I have known it that he is a peace lover. And always wanna avoid a war type of person. As I was going to announce my decision he said that he will give me anything as if I needed anything from him. After telling him about my decision of ruling this kingdom he was just not ready so I said that their would be a war and as I was walking towards the main gates of the palace in one corridor I got a glimpse of one face that have made me angry at first but than suddenly msde me change my decision. As the king have promised to give me anything and it seems like this king and kingdom have a very good luck. Now I have found the person of my interest I am just gonna ask her in return of peace.

After telling my decision to king and after seeing his face it looks like that the innocent looking devil was someone close to him. And being the good king he is ge ask for sometime to decide but now it is gonna be interesting I am gonna get that girl and punish her for insulting me and then make her a slave in my palace and see her beaking down slowly. And having a devilish plan in my mind I made  my way outside. It was so easy to find that girl and I was just thinking too much about it.

Ayesha's POV
After returning to palace I was just gonna sleep but there was an uneasyness in my heart that their was something unpleasant coming on my way. But than again I am ready to face it my god is with me but than also I hope that no one is going to harm my new family . In this one month only they have pampered me enough to telise their live for me and I am going to stand in the way of the problem and my family .

Waking up was one of the difficult task but here everytbing was fine because no one ever come to wake me up thay let me sleep as much a I wanna. This is the best thing that have happen so far here. After getting dressed in some light lehengas I was roaming aimlessly in one of the many corridors. When I was called by some guard saying that father has asked for me I was happy thinking that now I would be ae to spend some time with him.

After reaching his chamber I saw that the whole family was there. And by looking at their faces anyone can tell that their was something serious. I just hope that no one have told them about yesterday nights event. But my destiny have sone other plans they have called me to ask me for marriage . A bloody marriage for goods sake I am just 18 and who this stupid person is I am just gonna make him regret his this segestion. After telling them my wish to meet the person I was relive because I belived that after behaving rudely or treating him he would reject me. I was happily singing my favorite song while my journey when I reached a tent. What a tent am I gonna marry someone who lives in a tent God what are you gonna make me do?.

But after seeing the face of the person it looks like that my whole anger was back with a lightning speed. I just want to attack him and kill him here.He was the same bully from last night and how date he ask my hand for marriage. While I was bully cursing him out loud he was not even able to understand a simple thing as I was talking in English. Ok relax we rare just gonna deal with this shit nad get out of here immediately. And what shocked me was thtat this person is none other than shehenshah  whom I have insulted yesterday. I have insulted a king on his face what a good day I have. After simply treating him which doesn't work on him, and even after my an attempt to kill him which was also failed in front of him. I have to be ready for the marriage because father hve told me about the whole situation and I would be lying if I say that I don't wanna run away. But I am no coward I am a brave girl. And it is not like marriage is tomorrow I am sure that I would mnanage to avoid this marriage topic for some time and would be able to come out of this trouble. After my defeat in making him say no to the alligence I was finally on my way back to palace. Whtat I don't  know was that my life have taken a total u turn and I was not gonna be single after one week I was gonna be someones wife who already have uncountable already. I just don't want to be one of them I wnt to fall in love first and then wnant to marry my love. But here my every dream was crushed by that person I am not going to make it easy for him nd it is my promise to myself. Having these thoughts on my mind I went in my chamber and broke down inside.

How's it.
Hope you are enjoying.
Sorry for mistakes.

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