Chapter 2

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Third persons POV

                          Just as ayesha touched that clock she disappeared as the clock have swallowed her or something like that. I know if someone would have  told us the same thing we would just say that they are just joking or that they have lost their mind somewhere. But what about the people who themselves have watched it happened by their own eyes her very own bestfriends they both were standing their like as if they have seen a ghost and why not their best friend have just disappeared in thin air just like that only and that too in front of them. For first time Yash was not calm his brain was full of questions like how what where but mostly he was worried about his sister like friend. And our girl Anushka she can't just belive but has happened she was just just their with her mouth open.

                 After some time firstly they both composed themselves and run towards the guards who were guarding the clock after explaining everything the guards return back only to see that the clock was not on its place one of them was just going to pick it up but stopped for a while after hearing anushkas scream but composed himself and pick up the clock and showed it to the best friend duo that their prank have not worked on them as they are just present their and not disappeared. But the couple was in dillema that now what will happen to their friend as now no one can found her out. After the guards go back for their lunch on their off time they tell the duo to not touch it again. But how can the couple would be able to be calm after seeing the unexpected thing. They just nodded after seeing the guards disappearing they both firstly prayed to their gods to please help them to find their now lost friend  and them they also touch the clock and after a second the click once again was laying on the marble as it was first time.

16 century ( mughal sultanat)

                The one and only great jalal-ludin- mahumadd akbar can be seen pacing in his room. Anyone must thought that what could be the reason for such a worry for his highness. But here shehanshah was planning to how to capture that certain rajput princess that girl that was addressed as rose of Rajasthan. He just wanted to teach her a lesson that he was shehnshah e hind and he can do whatever he wants to do without anyone's permission. He wanted to captured that innocent bird and want to snatch her freedom. And to see how would she look after being totally broken.He wants to see her beg in front of him for mercy but he being the beast that he think that he is would never show even a bit of it. Now here he has just returened to his palace and he was making plans to fulfill his dirty desire. But alas here that was the mistake that shenshah has done in his life. It was his mistake to even think that princess jodha would ever be broken because he doesn't know what destiny has stored for them . That her proctecters, friends, guides, wellwishers have come here well landed here by mistake but this mistake is whats  gonna make it even spicy and special to see that what have been stored for all of them.


Well are you excited to see what's gonna happen.

Plz if you wanna give me some suggestions regarding the story just drop a comment and I would try to make it even more special.

And sorry this is my first time writing if I have hurt someone unknowingly.

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