Exotica 2021

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I made it to jersey safely for exotica ready to secure a bag. I walk with everyone to set up our booth and get everything together. "You ready?" Jason said. "Yup. Idk how we are gonna do but we should be doing ok for the most part." I said. "When are you going to Chicago?" He asked. "Next week." I said setting up chairs. "You going to the game?" He asked. "Yeah and we are having a little party too." I said. "Is jimmy staying with you?" One of the sales reps asked. "Sadly no. I'm having dinner with his parents." I said. "You get along with his folks?" Jason asked. "Oh yeah I love his parents and mine like him." I said putting the stuff on the table.

"You got the square reader?" I asked Jason. "Yes." He said handing it too me. "Thank you." I said. People were coming to our booth looking around at some of the products we had. "I'll take 4 of these." One of the women said looking at my products. "Of course honey." I said bagging them up. "That will be $32.60." I said as she swiped her card. "Thank you enjoy." I said as she left with her man. "How many have you sold so far?" Jason asked. $1300 worth so far." I said. "Good job." He said. "The atmosphere is different too." He said. "Jasmine ain't here that's why." I said as more people came over. "How are y'all doing today?" I said talking with the people. Despite the fact I'm an executive I take pride in my products. From making them and selling them I make sure I put love and care in each bottle of my love lotion I sell.

As everyone was our booth, jasmine was walking around the expo. "I gotta see where they are." She said as I was with everyone from work. "Ok Jessie lunch break." I said as she got up. Jasmine sees us and ducks around the corner. "How are you and jimmy doing?" Jason asked. "Oh we are doing great." I said sitting next to Jason. "You think he's gonna be the colts Sunday?" He asked. "I hope so. They just lost someone who has a major injury. Not that I wish that on anyone but we may have a chance if the O line gets it shit together." I said. "You should be a coach." Jason said as I laughed. "Hell no. If I did that every time Jimmy made a play I would kiss him and have them espn ppl on me like white on rice." I said as he laughed.

Jasmine spied on our booth and saw us the entire time making money as she saw us. "Jay." Jessie said. "What sis?" I asked. "Jasmine is here." She said as she pointed to where she was. "Ugh." I said texting mrs Hendrix. "Looks like someone will be losing their job." Jason said loud enough for jasmine to hear.

After the event, I went to mrs Hendrix's room to give her the money. "Made a lot today." She said as i smiled. "Promotion works." I said. "What are you gonna do about jasmine?" I asked. "Oh she's fired she constantly causes problems for us." She said. "I'm sorry about what happened to you." She said. "It's ok. It's not your fault." I said.  After I left, I went to my room and I see jimmy wants to FaceTime with me. "Hey daddy." I said smiling. I ain't gonna lie Jimmy was looking mad sexy over FaceTime. "Hey babe." He said as he took off his shirt. "Gah damn it Jimmy." I said smiling. "Sorry." He said smiling. "No you aren't." I said smiling. "When are you coming?" Jimmy asked. "I'll be there Saturday morning." I said. "Shayla picking you up?" He asked. "Yes." I said eating chips. "Good I miss you." He said as I smiled. "I miss you too." I said blushing.

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