Fluff, Ethubs - Longing for Engagement

Start from the beginning

Keralis grinned, his eyes sparkling a bit. "Well, you're in luck, because dat's definitely something I can help you with!"

Bdubs smiled at him hopefully. "Wait, really?"

Keralis nodded eagerly. "Yes!" He paused. "Tomorrow, though. You need sleep now."

"I guess so," Bdubs grumbled, for once reluctant to go back to his bed. "Night, Keralis."

"Goodnight, Bubbles!"

Keralis left, and Bdubs returned to his sheets. This time, thankfully, he was able to drift off, dreaming of the possibilities tomorrow might bring.


Morning arrived, and Keralis was just as eager to help. He also enlisted the help of Tango, and soon the three were cracking down on plans. Knowing Etho preferred calmer settings, they knew it wouldn't be anything too big, but it would still be sweet and special. Bdubs agreed to a date in one of the quiet forests near the shattered savanna, and they moved on to things like what he'd wear and where he'd get a ring.

An hour later, Bdubs stood in front of his moon base wearing an outfit that was more formal than his usual, but still not too fancy, and holding the ring that he'd bought from Grian. (Honestly, that man sold everything.) Understandably, he was nervous, but he felt good about it, too.

"How do I look?" he asked Keralis and Tango when he was ready.

"You look perfect, sweetface!" Keralis responded with that wide smile of his.

"Couldn't be better," Tango agreed. "Now go get your fiancé to-be!"

Bdubs chuckled. "Thanks again for all the help, you two."

"Anytime!" his basemates replied with smiles.

Giving them a smile in return, Bdubs spread his elytra wings and soared into the sky. Already, he could feel his heart racing as he flew toward the agreed meeting place. Etho would be on his way as well, since Bdubs had messaged him and asked him out a little while ago, to which he quickly said yes. It was the day Bdubs had been looking forward to for some time now, and he was both excited and terrified.

A silent forest met Bdubs as he landed. Etho wasn't here yet, which was good—Bdubs had wanted to be the first. However, he didn't have to wait long for his date. A neigh from Giddy brought Bdubs's attention to the incoming mare, but more importantly, her rider.

Etho slipped off of Giddy with practiced ease, and the closed-eye smile he gave Bdubs made his breath hitch. God, he loved this man.

"Heya, Bdubs," Etho said, tying Giddy's lead to a tree before facing him.

"Hey, Etho," Bdubs smiled, his heart fluttering. "Glad you could make it."

"Anything for you, love," Etho replied fondly, causing Bdubs's smile to grow.

"Aww..." Slipping his hand into Etho's, Bdubs began to walk with his boyfriend.

Their conversation was simple, just lighthearted chatter, but every move Etho made, every cheerful remark and light laugh, reminded Bdubs of how much he loved him. Before, he was sure that he wanted Etho as his husband, but he was positive now. No way could Bdubs live without Etho in his life.

After a few minutes, Bdubs was able to crush down his nerves. Now was as good a time as any.

"So, Etho," Bdubs said, stopping and turning to face his love, "you know how everyone in Last Life kept saying we acted like an old married couple?"

"Mhm?" Etho hummed and tilted his head slightly, a sign that he was curious and listening.

Taking a deep breath, Bdubs plunged on. "Well... I feel like it would work, us being married, and I was wondering... I was wondering if you wanted to make it real." Reaching into his pocket, Bdubs dropped to one knee and pulled out the ring. "Etho, would you be my husband?"

Etho's eyes were wide and practically glowing with happiness. Though Bdubs couldn't see his face, he bet the ninja was smiling. His voice was soft but full of affection as he replied, "Yes. I would."

Pure joy overwhelmed Bdubs as he slipped the ring onto Etho's finger and stood up, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend—or should he say, fiancé. Pulling down his mask, Etho leaned in, and Bdubs eagerly finished closing the gap between them. He'd missed this as well, Etho's soft lips against his own, the taste of honey mixing with the faint scent of pine. As his breath ran out, he was forced to pull away for air, but he met Etho's loving gaze with equal affection.

"Can we go cuddle at your base?" Etho asked quietly. "It's been too long since we have."

"Absolutely," Bdubs agreed with a grin. "I should probably tell Tango and Keralis we're engaged now, too. They really helped me get ready."

Etho chuckled. "Alright. C'mon, we can ride Giddy there."

Clutching Bdubs's hand, Etho led him back to the horse. They both got on, with Bdubs sitting in front and Etho behind, his arms around Bdubs as he held the reins.

The ride wasn't fast, but neither minded. Bdubs couldn't be happier with how things had gone. Soon, Etho would be his husband, and he could only think of good things ahead for them.

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