Chapter Seven: Confrontation Before Compromise

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"Miss Edmond, How are you it's Chehon. I'm just calling to confirm our meeting next week. I have this great show that I think you will love for this season" The answering machine plays for the second time.

Aside from acrimonious blogs and commentary of the recent Jackson family dramatics, the tabloids have seemingly reached a nadir with their bullying of Michael. And with Michael now focused on building this new album, I have finally decided to get back on stage myself.

It has been awhile since the Spellbound tour-six months to be exact. Within those past six months, a lot occurred that prohibited my focus on booking another tour or even production. Between Michael and his family, Michael and the tabloids, Michael house hunting, and Michael's and I paranoia with the tabloids, I just haven't found the time.

The reiteration of Michael's happiness before mine hasn't put fully a damper of my drive to engage in another production, but it has been the thought of walking onto another stage as a different person. Since my return from the spellbound tour and even throughout the rest of Michael's Bad tour, I have still been recognized as "Michael Jackson's girlfriend" nothing more.

Instead of upping the ante about my next feature in a local or regional production, the tabloids and commentary televised shows bark on and on about whether Michael Jackson will hurry up and propose to "his ballerina" or if we have secretly ran away to marry. The world has their own bigot of who I am, and it's not their bigot that I want to be.

That's why I'm coming back. I'm returning stronger than ever. With the help of my new manager, Chehon, I know I am a "Beautiful gazelle" and the world will soon know as well.

Tapping the replay button one last time, I squeal at the audible excitement within Chehon's voicemail. That's why I respect this man. He followed me all the way to California, leaving his wife and child behind to aid me in the pursuing of my dreams. He's truly been wonderful.

Chehon works day in and day out to make sure I am mentally and physically strong, and yet he asks for nothing in return. I couldn't ask for a better manager or friend.

His loyalty and hard work has been proven even more on this wonderful
Voicemail. I've applied to numerous casting calls for fellow dancers in numerous plays and recitals here in California, but I've been given the same response:

"We can't allow you to participate due to your uphill advantage. We wouldn't want any ridicules for foul play"

Ridicules for foul play. Meaning, that because I am in relation or in a commencing relationship with the world renowned pop star, Michael Jackson, I am not allowed to try out for any of the productions I applied for. Of course I was hurt, dumbfounded even. I thought the world was over any type of discrimination, evidently I was wrong.

But now, here I am again, facing the odds. I just hope it there isn't a twist to this generous offer.

"Jess... You're squealing again. Did a bird fly into the window or something? I told you I didn't like this hotel, but no... The birds are so cute and tiny... We have to stay" Michael mocks, tiredly entering the bedroom.

I giggle before turning my attention to the tired man. Shaggy curls, carelessly thrown on V-neck, silk pajama pant, and white calf-length socks; Michael's "comfy attire". It's safe to say, Michael has been hard at work.

Finding amusement with my giggles, he cackles along shaking his head along his motion.

"That's not how I talk first of all..." I finally protest once he is centimeters away.

Not giving any attention to my childish protest, he shrugs lazily and plops onto the bed beside me.

"So, what's got you all excited, besides my presence?" He cockily snickers, flashing his snow whites.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن