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(1 week before the record release party)

The party that Jisung asked about had gotten approved and made everybody in the company busy for this comeback. Chan was not one of those busy people, though. Despite being a major part of the comeback, he had lots of leisurely time, and he was going to take advantage of it. 

He was walking around the city, looking at all the stores and restaurants that were lining the streets. He had seen them all a million times before, but sometimes it was nice to see them when you didn't have work on your mind. He went into a few stores, looking around, not wanting to buy anything in particular, but if there was something that he thought would be nice to have, he'd buy it. After walking into about ten different shops, he only had around three bags from two different stores. He wasn't expecting to get this much, but it wasn't that big of a deal. 

He turned a corner and saw a sign that piqued his interest. It was the sign for the store that Felix worked at. He stared at it for a few seconds, honestly debating whether he should go in or not. He didn't want to go out looking for trouble, but at the same time, if it was to benefit Jisung, he didn't see the wrong in it. 

He had noticed that Jisung and Felix had almost lost all contact with each other besides the occasional phone call made by Jisung to Felix because he missed him. Especially with this comeback so soon around the corner, Jisung didn't have much time to spend with Felix even if he wanted to. He hated to see the younger so down in the dumps. There wasn't much that he could do to fix the situation, though. All he could really do was be there to console Jisung when Felix wouldn't. 

He shrugged his shoulders before walking into the store. The lighting was very dim and looked like a small boutique. Different toys lined the walls on one side, with mannequins and costumes on the other. This was the first time Chan had been in a sex store, not that he was never interested, but he never had a need to. 

"Hi, welcome in-" Felix announced just as would for any other customer. But this wasn't any other customer. The smile immediately dropped from his face when he saw Chan's face turn and look at him, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile. 

"Hello, Felix! Didn't know you were working today," Chan greeted, waving his hand at the younger.

For the sake of professionalism, Felix forced a smile and waved back to Chan as not to alert the other customers. "Hi, Chan. If you need help with anything, let me know."

Chan tilted his head in thought, before walking up to the counter. He quickly got his phone out, placing it on the counter behind the register where Felix didn't see it after looking at it for a second, most likely to check a notification or something of the sort. "Actually, yeah. I was wondering if you were going to Jisung's release party? It's in a week. Surely, you asked for time off since he asked you about it two months ago, correct?" 

"I'm working right now, Chan. I don't have time for friendly conversation," Felix dismissed. "And yes, I am going. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't?"

Chan nodded his head in understanding. "Just making sure. I know that you've been so busy lately with work that you barely have time to talk to him on the phone, so I wasn't sure if you had the time to go."

It may not have seemed like it to the other people in the store, but Chan very clearly just declared war against Felix. The younger tightened his jaw, not sure how to make a good response before the bell above the door chimed, interrupting their conversation. 

"Hey, Lix! Almost on break?" Changbin walked in with a smile, not noticing the intense atmosphere between the employee and supposed customer. 

"I'm sorry," Chan spoke before turning to face Changbin. "Who are you?"

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