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Chan walked into the elevator, pressing the button to go to the lobby so that he could get the sandwich Jisung requested. A few more people filed into the elevator, so he moved to the side making room for them. He looked at the buttons they pressed, realizing that he was going to be the last to get off. Not that it was a big deal, but he would've preferred to get off first. 

He waited for the doors to open to the lobby, stepping out, his shoes softly clicking against the newly polished tile. He walked out of the company building, knowing what shop Jisung wanted him to go to. There was only one place that Jisung would get a sandwich from, which, thankfully, wasn't too far away.

He walked on the sidewalk, thankful that he blended in with the crowd. He didn't have as much recognition as Jisung did, but he was relatively well known, seeing as he worked with Jisung so often and was seen with him on multiple occasions. 

He finally made it to the shop after about five minutes of walking. It was a small family owned restaurant, and while it wasn't that popular, it was a hidden gem that Jisung found a few years back and never went anywhere else after.

Chan walked in, and without saying a word, the woman working at the front called out to him, "We got it coming up!"

Chan and Jisung were both regulars at the restaurant, so all they had to do was walk in and they knew what they wanted since they both got the same thing every time. Chan stood by the register, making small talk with the cashier. She seemed to be new since Chan had never seen her before. She was very clearly excited to see him, though, but she did a very good job at holding it in and staying professional. 

"It's a salmon club sandwich with a Coke," he told her so that she could put the order in. 

"Got it," she nodded. She told him the price, and he handed her his card to pay with. She swiped it and handed it back to him, Chan now just waiting for the food to come out. "Um... if you don't mind me asking, do you come here a lot?"

Chan was taken aback from the question, not expecting it before the girl went red and realized what she said. The panic was visible on her face as her eyes went wide and she began to wave her hands in front of her. "Not like that, I'm sorry. It's just that you didn't even order and they knew what you wanted," she explained as quickly as she could, trying her best to not stumble over her words. 

Chan giggled at the flustered girl. "It's okay. Yeah, I'm a regular with Han," Chan told her, using Jisung's stage name, knowing that she was probably going to recognize it. Her eyes somehow got even wider and her smile grew unintentionally. 

"Oh, r-really?" She stuttered, not sure what to do with that information. 

"Yes," Chan laughed, knowing how excited she must've been to hear that. She now had the knowledge that she was going to serve Jisung at some point in her life. 

The bells above the door jingled loudly as someone entered the building. Chan moved out of the way, not turning to see who it was since it didn't matter to him. He walked over to the side of the counter where his food would come out. 

"Hi, I have a pick-up for Felix," the person spoke. 

If it didn't matter before, it definitely mattered now. Chan turned his head to look at the man that he just had a heated argument with not half an hour ago. But as soon as he turned his head, it tilted to the side and his eyebrows scrunched together. Felix wasn't alone. There was someone with him. The other man looked familiar. Chan had seen him before, but couldn't place a name. 

The cashier girl very clearly held in a squeal, seeing Jisung's boyfriend walk in. How many other celebrities was she going to meet in one day? She hadn't even been working there for long, and she's already had two famous customers. 

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