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It was finally the night of the party, and everyone that agreed to come couldn't have been more excited. It was being hosted in a large ballroom, the room decorated rather nicely. The lights were dimmed with LEDs creating fascinating colors against the walls. There was a stage upfront where Jisung would be performing at some point. While the room wasn't as big as a concert hall or a stadium, it was pretty large in itself and it did the job. 

Different groups and artists flooded in after getting swarmed with photographers at the front of the building. There was a red carpet leading up to the building where the other idols got their photos taken. The main act was supposed to be the last to arrive, making a dramatic entrance like he normally did. 

This time was different, though. This time, his managers couldn't get him excited to make an appearance. Usually, he was bouncing off the walls with this type of thing, and here he was, sitting in the car, silent and still. 

"Aren't you excited? The new album that you've worked so hard on is finally being released!" The man in the front driver's seat spoke, sounding excited about the party. 

"Mhm," Jisung hummed, not feeling the same excitement. Of course, when he got to the party, he was going to at least try to seem more excited, but he just felt tired and depressed. 

The woman sitting in the passenger seat turned around to face him, giving him a look of sympathy. He just looked back at her deadpan. He wasn't in the mood for positive encouragement at the moment. Really, he just wanted to be left alone. 

"I know that you're upset about Felix, and trust me, we all are, but of course, you're the one hurting the most. I know that coming out here is hard for you, and I understand that. If I were in your shoes, I would be acting just the same as you. But, could you at least say something more than one word?" The woman asked. She was genuinely concerned for Jisung, and she had a way of talking to him that always got him to open up. 

He was reluctant to say anything in response, even if her words did make him feel the tiniest bit better. He was still upset, which was obvious, and he stared at her for a few seconds. She almost gave up, and as she began to turn back in her seat, Jisung spoke up. "I'm sorry."

"Well, that was two words," the woman smiled. "But you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't do anything wrong."

Jisung shrugged, still feeling guilty for bringing the mood down before such a spectacular and exciting event. "I should be excited, but instead, I just don't feel like doing anything."

"That's okay. At least you didn't cancel it last minute," the woman reassured with a smile. Jisung nodded, silently agreeing with her. She turned back in her seat just as they pulled up to the building. "Ready? Put on a nice smile!"

She and the other manager stepped out of the car and opened the back door, revealing a nicely dressed and apparently happy and joyful Han. He stepped out of the vehicle, giving everyone a quick glace and a bright smile as lights flashed all around him, photographers snapping pictures at all angles, trying to get good shots of the main act. 

He slowly made his way down the carpet, occasionally waving to the cameras and screaming fans, and walked into the building. The sound of the outside died down as the music blasting inside became overwhelming. 

His managers guided him backstage to get ready for his performance. The plan was to play the music video and then fade into Jisung's performance right after. It had been rehearsed hundreds of times, and everytime it gave the staff chills, watching the transition.

Jisung had done a dark symphonic rock concept with this album, of course still in his own style, and seeing how epic and stunning the stage was with the lights and pyrotechnics was show stopping.

Groupie | Jilixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें