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"Hey, you're back! I got your text," Chan spoke up as he heard the door open, and I walked back into the room. I looked at him and pressed a smile on my lips. I could feel him staring at me as I sat down. I finally looked up at him, waiting for him to say something. "What'd you do at Felix's to look like that?"

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You look messy! Your hairs all messed up, and your clothes are a little..." he swung his head side to side with wide eyes, making me guess what he meant by his motions. 

"Cried," I replied bluntly, assuming I knew what he meant. 

He stopped moving his head, and I watched his facial expression change in a matter of seconds, no longer joking around but now stern and serious. "Why were you crying? What did he do?"

I rolled my eyes. I knew that Chan wasn't Felix's biggest fan out of all my friends. He was always so skeptical when it came to Felix and our relationship. There were plenty of times that he would say things so unnecessary and borderline offensive about our relationship. "He didn't do anything. Let's just get back to work."

"No, what happened? You don't cry over nothing, Jisung. What did he do?" He asked again, even more stern than before. 

"I said nothing happened, okay? Just leave it alone, and let's get back to work."

"Jisung. Tell me what happened. Why were you crying?"

I groaned in annoyance. I knew that we weren't going to be able to continue working unless I told him. I knew that he was trying to be a good friend and all, but it could get annoying very quickly. "Oh my God! He fucking danced on some other guy at the club last night! There, is that what you wanted?" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table. 

His eyes were wide once again, but this time, not in a joking manner, but rather out of shock and concern. "You're joking, right?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"No, I'm not. I told you, now let's go back to work." I turned to face my laptop again, but Chan didn't do the same. 

"Sung, this isn't the first time it's happened. He's done it before, and he'll do it again. You can't keep putting yourself through this. He's using you. I keep telling you this, but you never listen to me. He doesn't love you. He loves the fame and the money. Why do you think he quit his job when you two got together?"

 I looked up to face him before I began speaking. "Chan, that doesn't matter. He's getting a job now, so that's irrelevant. And he was also popular before we got together," I explained. I just wanted him to drop the topic, but he was relentless about it. 

"Having a few thousand followers on Instagram is nothing compared to dating a world star, Jisung, and you know that. You know this isn't real."

I was getting angry now. I was going to defend my relationship with Felix as much as I could until I died. I wasn't dating him for my friends. I was dating him for myself and him, and if my friends didn't like it, they would have to suck it up. "So what? So what if it's not real? Even if it is fake, at least he makes me feel loved. Sure, maybe we go through a few rough spots, but at the end of the day, I love him, and he puts on a hell of a show for fake love. If you don't like that, then shut it, 'cause I don't want to hear it. You're not my therapist. I don't need dating advice from you, Mr. New Relationship Every Two Months."

There was a silence that filled the air after I stopped talking. I could feel the tension between the two of us now after my last comment. I didn't regret it, though. At least it made him shut up. 

"That was low, Sung."

"Too bad. I said it. Now get back to work," I muttered, going back to my laptop. 

I stared at the screen, trying to come up with anything, but now my mind was a mess. All my thoughts were scattered, and I couldn't find anything to write down on paper. I ran my hands against my face and through my hair, groaning loudly. 

"I need some air," I said as I stood up abruptly from my chair. Despite just getting back from my break, I couldn't focus. Chan didn't say anything as I walked out of the room once again. I walked over to a vending machine in a nearby hall and paid for a bottle of water. 

I grabbed it from the bottom slot and chugged half of the bottle in one go, sighing after swallowing the last of it. I could feel the cold water running down my throat and into my stomach. Even something as strange as that was able to calm me down. Since it was cold, it quite literally made me chill out. 

"You good, Han?" Someone behind me asked.

I turned around quickly, startled by the sudden question, but sighed in relief when I saw it was another artist at the company. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stressed, that's all."

"Works rough, huh? Must be hard being a world-class star and all," he scoffed sarcastically. I could tell he wasn't trying to be nice, and if that were the case, then I wasn't either. 

"Yeah, well, I don't know if you'd ever be able to know the struggles. I guess we'll have to wait for your contract to end to know, huh?" I shot back. I wasn't going to hold back if he wanted to speak rudely. I was capable of that as well.

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" I heard Chan yell from behind me. He immediately grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the other artist. "That's enough. Get back inside, Sung."

He pushed me toward the office, trying to get me to move before things escalated. 

I heard the man laugh as I turned away, about to listen to Chan, but then he spoke again. "What? You can't do anything without your boyfriend interfering?" The other man yelled back. 

"Okay, you know what? That's enough from you, too. Maybe you should go and practice your vocals if you wanna talk so much," Chan scolded the younger man. 

I turned around after the other man made his comment. Even if I was mad at Chan from earlier, I wasn't going to sit around and let other people make stupid comments like that. I marched back over to him, getting extra close and in his face. "What was that?"

"I asked if you couldn't do anything without your boyfriend interfering, Sung," he replied, getting even closer. 

"Jisung, stop! Go back to the office. I'll deal with this," Chan yelled, once again trying to pull me away from the man, but I didn't budge this time. I stayed in my place. "Jisung. Listen to me!"

"Go on, Jisung. Listen to him. Go back to the office."

"You wanna get punched so bad, don't you?" I asked in a whisper. 

"Was that a threat? Are you gonna punch a younger artist below you?"

"Oh no, it wasn't a threat. I was just making sure that I knew what you wanted before delivering it. When you make dumb-ass comments like you did earlier, I just need to make sure that I give you the right response."

"That's enough, you two! Get away from each other right now!"

The both of us were pulled away by two security guards that were informed about what was going on by a few staff members. When I looked around the hall we were in, I noticed a crowd around the three of us. Mostly made up of staff along with a few other idols. 

I noticed some of the people with their phones pulled out, most likely recording the incident. In that very moment, I knew I fucked up. This wasn't going to be something easy to come back from.  The amount of press that would be caused by just one person posting a singular video of that fight along with all of the fan wars was going to come back to bite me in the ass. 


So this was completely unexpected. I did not think this was going to happen, but then it did. It works though. I like it. I hope you did too! It's kinda short, but I think it works.

To be honest, it's 1 a.m. when I'm writing this and I'm also sick, so idk how well anything is written in this. I don't feel like editing it, but I know that I should. Maybe later after the story ends. We'll see. 

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