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A few weeks pass, and the tour finally ended. I was exhausted out of belief, but I was also happy to be able to see and travel the world and meet my amazing fans. It was also nice to have Felix with me since he made things much more exciting. He was a bright, bouncing ball of energy that could make anyone excited about anything, even if they hated it beforehand. Anytime we had a break, he would make sure I got the rest I needed, but he would also make sure we did at least one fun thing in the unfamiliar city.

We visited numerous museums, aquariums, theme parks, malls, zoos, anything that you could think of for entertainment, we did it. At one point, we even went on a few cave tours, and we went to a bat cave to watch all the bats come out at sundown to feed. It was stunning, and I'm glad that he dragged me along with him.

We were currently in the van on the way back to the dorm. Felix was going to stay with me for a few days just to get situated before going back to his own apartment.

Before we started dating officially, he had a job, but then after a few tours, he quit since he wanted to join me on the road. He didn't like being away from me for too long, and since my tours usually took around a full year, sometimes more, that was a long time without each other. I told him that he would have to get a job soon since I didn't want him just to depend on his parents and me forever. He needed to have some way to support himself. At the moment, his parents were paying his rent, and I was paying his bills on top of my cost of living.

I've tried explaining that something needed to change, and he said he had a few job interviews once we got back. I was proud of him for actually listening to me and doing something good for himself. Maybe I told him to do it out of selfishness since I didn't want to pay his bills, but it was also because if God forbid something were to happen to us, he'd probably end up homeless, and I really didn't want to that to happen.

The driver pulled into the parking lot of the dorm building to drop us off. We got out of the car, taking our luggage out of the back, my managers grabbing a few bags as well. We walked into the building and onto the elevator to head to my dorm.

Once everything was settled in my room, the managers left to go back to their own homes for the night.

"We're home!" Felix sighed as he fell against the bed. "Finally."

I changed my clothes quickly so that I could join him. I lay down next to him and wrapped my arms around him instinctively. "We're home," I repeated into his chest.

He cuddled into me, and that's how we fell asleep. We were too tired to bother with showering or cleaning up at all. We just wanted to stay in bed for however long it took to recover.


The next morning, I was awoken from the sunlight streaming in from the window, making me see red behind my eyelids. I groaned softly, not wanting to wake up.

Once I became conscious of my body, I felt around for Felix but felt nothing. I was confused, so I opened my eyes to look around the room for him but didn't see him anywhere. He wasn't in bed. He wasn't looking around in the closet; he wasn't unpacking; he wasn't in the bathroom. He was nowhere to be seen in my room.

I stretched and yawned briefly before standing up and thudding out of my room to look for him somewhere in the dorm. I opened the bedroom door, heading into the living room, hoping that I'd see him there, but alas, he wasn't. I whined, just wanting to know where he went but continued searching the house.

Walking into the kitchen, I heard some ice clinking in a glass followed by the sound of the ice cracking as water was poured onto it. I turned the corner and saw Felix pouring water into a glass with a plate of food next to him.

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