13: friends and mud fights

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Barnacles POV 

Spending the month with the other 5 has been insane, from flashlight tag, laser tag, water fight, and a prank war having bonded through the entire thing and better yet the professor let us rent out the house.

He stayed back during the octopod drama before leaving back to Berlin, that's when the luck of the AC being destroyed started.


watching as Kwazi evades dirt clods Peso throws at him with precision and accuracy while I'm laughing hysterically from the living room window" your aim is absolute garbage! you have to be faster than that!" Kwazi yelled" oh yeah?! How's this parkour master!?" Peso shot back throwing a bigger dirtball at his face.

He kicked it out of the way making it shatter apart, a little chunk hitting Tweak in the back making her yelp" sorry matey! That's meant to go over your head!" Kwazi apologized" hey Peso, do you want help taking this guy down?" Tweak asked" gladly." Peso said smirking.

'You're in for it now 'Kwaz.' I thought when I heard a snort from beside me, looking over I saw Jamie shaking his head" 2 against 1? They do know what happened when they tried the same move at the laser tag arena? Kwazi took them both out." He said.

" 2 dirt clods in their faces coming up for them," Dashi said, I'm guessing she's been filming the entire time with a huge grin on her face" it's still entertaining," I said," oh, when was last time you had a mud fight, Barney?" Jamie asked, a mischievous grin coming onto his face, I shook my head sighing a little bit.

"Are you asking for it? you've seen the size of my paws at the houseboat, right? In my fourth year of college, I was bored like hell until Bianca suggested it, rounded up our friends, and hour or so later Hanes and his friends joined." I said," I'd say you're screwed." Dashi said.

" shut up. I don't need it rubbed in my face." Jamie said a nasty sounding sputter some forth from the AC before it shut off" what the hell just happened?!" We heard Tweak yell" I don't know! All I did was deflect 2 dirt wads! Great! Now I broke the AC in the midst of a heatwave!" Kwazi groaned.

"This isn't going to be fun for the remaining 2 weeks," Jamie said, I hung my head.

flashback ends 

Here we are now sprawled out on the couches, armchairs, and on the floor, been like this for the last 3 days, no movement unless it's to eat to just stay cool but it didn't help that the place is turning into a virtual furnace and tweak has yet to repair it.

"Ok, what happened when Kwazi deflected the last 2 dirt clods?" I asked weakly" I was on top of the AC as 2 dirt clods were headed for my face, I jumped up and dealt with them but must've gone into the fans because I wasn't watching where I batted them away." Kwazi explained waving his hand around.

"Were those clods just dirt or rock?" I asked," they were dirt, well, partially dried up mud, must've clogged the intakes, I'll take care of it tomorrow." Tweak said sounding like she's half-asleep, I hummed looking toward the back kitchen window.

Squinting my eyes I smirked a little bit seeing a dark speck off on the horizon' this is going to be a lot of fun in a few hours.' I thought closing my eyes, within a couple of seconds I'm quietly snoring.

3 hours later, Peso's POV 

grumbling a little bit I started to stir from my nap on the floor when I heard a rumble of thunder, I grinned a little bit knowing a summer rainstorm means a mud fight, that's what Pirata said showing me a picture of her drenched in the mud with some of her friends.

That picture had me wanting to have one and now I have my chance when the second rumble of thunder sounded " Does anyone want to have a mud war?" Barnacles asked," you want payback on me by calling you by your last name?" Jamie asked, Barnacles laughed rolling off the couch.

By the grunt, I heard that was Kwazi being squished beneath 200lbs of muscle weight" get off me, you weigh a ton!" Kwazi rasped" you're good for a little bit." Barnacles said still snickering, he grumbled and a few seconds later desperate laughter broke out of the polar bear shifters' lips.

" Kwahahahahhzi!! STHAHAHAHP! PLEHEHAHAHA!" Barnacles managed, my grin widened pretty quickly realizing he's tickling the crap out of him" not until I get off me so I can breathe." Kwazi said" just STHAHAHAP!!! I'll ohohohoff!" Barnacles wheezed then rolled off him" learned your lesson?" Kwazi asked.

"Not unless I get payback on you in the same way." Barnacles said before Kwazi's shrieks of laughter filled the room when the loudest rumble of thunder sounded and it started pouring down rain with a vengeance, Barnacles got off Kwazi with a mischievous grin while the tabby shifter curls up in a ball giggling hysterically.

"Come and get me." Barnacles said and ran out laughing maniacally" get your ass back here!" Kwazi yelled after, getting up and charged after him" should I go after them so Barnacles doesn't  tear Kwazi to ribbons?" I asked," we should but they won't kill each other, more like mud wrestling." Tweak said getting up and grabbing her shirt along with Dashi and they ran out.

Looking over to Jamie we followed them out, getting outside we were confronted with Barnacles and Kwazi wrestling, Barnacles completely covered in a thin layer of mud, strips of flesh and hair still show as the rain tried to wash it while Kwazi's back is the only thing covered in mud, his hair soaked but wearing a huge grin on his face.

It only took another minute for Barnacles to pin him with little effort" who's got who?" Barnacles asked" you do. Now get off." Kwazi said, hopping down the stairs into a small mud puddle, shivering a little at the cold and goopy feeling before bending down, making a mud ball, and throwing it at James hitting him in the side of the head.

He stiffened then looked over at me while I crossed my arms" are you 2 going to get off each other instead of staring into the eyes of each other?" I asked smirking, Barnacles rolled off Kwazi and he sat up" you're asking for it big time." Kwazi said, my eyes narrowed challengingly then ducked a mud ball and hit blew up on the door harmlessly.

"Oh, this is going to be a blast." Tweak said and the chaos broke out with mud balls going everywhere hitting each of us, being deflected, or missing their target entirely, now I know the fun of these things are intending to get just as muddy as the others.

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