2: candidates

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(a/n Damien Fox and Kate don't belong to me, they belong to the story My Miracle)

Exiting the elevator I walked over to a waiting Dane" I did as you requested and I think I did pretty well." He said I shook my head" don't get too proud of yourself so just lay them out." I said.

" Alright then, first on the list is James Barney, he grew up in Barrow Alaska, now living in Fair Banks, Alaska working as the chief wild game officer.

Next on the list is Kawzi Cabodo, who lives in the San Diego Harbour with his sister Kate, when they were 16 they were nearly killed by Damien Fox but survived, and since then he's been living like a daredevil, you might've seen him vacating the area yesterday and knows the seas to get the thrill.

third on the list is Peso Quinn, he grew up in Ciudad Juarez surrounded by drug cartels, back in 2034 his mother was murdered and dropped on his doorstep, he graduated top of his class in medical school and helped save another of the candidates in an accident.

Fourth on the list is Jamie Shellington, who works for us with capturing and documenting sharks, nearly got his hands bitten off a few times. He lives on the outskirts of Scotland.

Fifth on the list is Amadashi Ren, born in Osaka, Japan and moved to Australia, she's one of the photographers for the National Geographic and 2 years ago one of our teams was off the coast of Australia tagging shark while she was taking pictures underwater when she was harpooned in the stomach by accident, Peso saved her life since he was on the team, they never met aside from him leaving a letter on her bedside saying I saved you.

Finally, we have Amy Marsh, she was born in the Everglades in Florida and helped her parents capture the evasive species and bring them back to their native homes, unfortunately, her mother was eaten by a boa constrictor, she lives in Kentucky working for the best garage in the city." He explained handing me the list.

" Thanks, I'll be back in a month," I said and left. 25 minutes later I get back to the hotel I got back to the hotel booking plan tickets for Alaska, Australia, Kentucky, Mexico, and Scotland to hopefully recruit them.

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