Part 19: SkekSa the Mariner

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Rel continued to get well over the coming days and Anax finally decreed that they were going to the Swamp of Sog to find SkekSa after five more days went by as he saw his brother seemed well enough now to make it.

Rel was still a little weak, but with the help of a walking staff, he was able to make it just fine. They all packed up and set off again.

After a few days walk, they started entering areas that were getting wetter and wetter. There were many deep puddles of water and lakes everywhere. The air was turning too humid, getting hot.

The young Skeksis took off their heavy robes and put them in their packs. They only kept on their lightest clothes for now until they would be out of the swamp. They also kept their weapons at the ready should they come upon dangerous animals.

There were land masses in the swamp, but there were times when the Skeksis had to resort to swimming just to cross barriers. They didn't mind getting wet sometimes when it seemed so hot there.

They were still confused on what they were looking for and how they were going to find SkekSa. All the trees here looked the same to them.

It took a day and a half to get through most of the swamp and got to an ancient tree that looked like it had once been occupied by a race of people.

"This place looks like it was once occupied. Look around here in twos. We meet back at this spot at dusk." Anax ordered his group.

The others nodded. Unknown to them, they had arrived at what had once been the Great Smerth. They all began looking around and sniffing for any signs of a Skeksis being in these parts.

There were many parts of the tree that had leftover pieces of what used to be part of the Drenchen culture there, but it had been abandoned long ago. Aside from some swamp creatures that were still able to make their home here, there was no other sign of anything. Vines and the tree had taken over as much as possible.

Ut went exploring beyond the tree village and sniffed around. Soon, he came across a tree that seemed different. It had an odd shape to it. He went over to it and checked it out. It smelled different too.

When he was sure that he had found something, Ut called out, "Over here! I found something!" His voice was deep enough for such a young one. The other Skeksis heard him and followed his call.

Ut had been partnered with Lath. They had ventured apart a little ways. Lath was the first one over to his spot.

"What have you found?" Lath asked.

"This tree smells and looks different from the rest." Ut said.

"That's because it is different." A new voice came out of nowhere. It surprised them both and they drew their sword daggers. Before them was another Mystic.

"Who are you?!" Ut demanded.

The rest of the young Skeksis finally arrived. They saw the Mystic too. "What's going on here?" Anax demanded.

"I am urSan the Swimmer. I am here as Guardian to my counterpart, SkekSa." urSan stated.

"Where is SkekSa?" Anax demanded.

"She is in this tree."

"Is she alive?" Rel asked.

"Yes. For I am alive." urSan replied.

"How do we get her out?" Vak asked.

"She was imprisoned for trying to get at Gelflings so long ago for essence drainings. Mighty Gelfling Maudra told the trees to hold her so she not harm Gelflings." urSan explained. "If released, no telling how she behaves."

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