Part 3

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The other Skeksis went on with their daily schedules.

The Emperor went to check on the Scientist's work. He wanted to know if anything new had come up. He had also slight curiosity if Sil was helping him too.

Tek was upgrading his chairs when he heard his leader's voice. "Scientist."

"Oh! My Emperor. I wasn't expecting your royal presence." Tek stated.

"Have you come up with anything that will help my health improve?" So demanded. He saw that SkekSil was not in the lab at all.

"I'm working on it, sire." Tek replied.

"There had better be one soon, Scientist." So decreed.

"Yes, sire. We need to get more Gelflings."

"I'll have SkekUng go out with more Garthim immediately." So declared.


"Have you seen SkekSil?" So asked.

"No. Not since the Crystal ceremony. Why?" Tek asked.

"He came to lunch and was acting strangely." So stated.

"Hmm. How so?"

"He wasn't eating his food much and left the table earlier than usual. I heard his usual whimper, but it sounded... hmm... off." So explained.

"Very curious. If I see him, I'll talk to him, sire." Tek declared.

"Good." So said before leaving the lab.

Tek was mystified at what could be bothering the usual mischievous Chamberlain. It had to be something big if he was acting miserable with himself. He would keep it in mind.

When So made it back to the throne room, he expected Sil to be in there waiting for him, but he wasn't there. He didn't show up the rest of the day either. Not even for dinner, which even Tek came to.

After dinner, SkekOk went looking for Sil because it was time for him to look over his documents.

He looked everywhere of where had seen Sil be around the castle. The last place he expected to find him was in his bed chamber.

Sil was sound asleep when he was found. He whimpered in his sleep. He was lying on his back.

Ok was shocked that Sil would be in bed this early, unless he was sick. He never turned in this early.

He went over to Sil's bed and shook him awake. "Wake up, Chamberlain!" he shouted.

Sil screamed when he was startled awake like that. He held his chest. "WHAT! Why you do that?" he demanded furiously.

"What are you doing in bed, Chamberlain? It's time for you to check my documents, or had you forgotten?" Ok stated.

"Hmmm... Had forgotten. Chamberlain not feel well." Sil admitted. His voice was still full of sleep.

"I see. The Emperor won't approve if they aren't fully accounted for." Ok said.

"Hmm. Suppose can look at, but right here only." Sil stated.

Ok let him have the documents. He looked them over and gave his approval. Ok then took them away for further exams or to take them to the Emperor. Sil didn't care. He just wanted to sleep.

But now that he was awake, Sil sat there getting a feel of his body. The nausea had seemed to have dissipated. Resting had done the trick, so he assumed. But would it be back anytime soon? He hoped not.

Sil figured he was being poisoned, or he had caught one heck of a big stomach sickness. But what had caused it? He would wait a little longer before he went to the Scientist about it. Now that Tek was on Ung's group team, he could no longer trust him, not that he did before really. He didn't fully trust any of his fellow Skeksis. It was the same with them all.

He yawned and laid back down. He wanted to really get plenty of rest to sleep off this ailment. He wanted to make sure it was gone. But then, his stomach had other ideas. A powerful jolt of pain went through him and Sil forced himself to get out of bed and make a run for a window.

He threw up again. This time, it wasn't nearly as bad as the last time. It was the dry heaves that were worse.

Sil swore he would see Tek for some anti-nausea medicine in a few days if it didn't abate. Little did he know, it would be awhile.

In the coming days, as the pain wasn't stopping, Sil went to talk to the Gourmand about the food he was eating.

"Gourmand, you are not poisoning Chamberlain, are you?" Sil demanded to know.

"Why would I do that? No reason to. No. I have nothing to do with anything. The Podlings serve what I tell them to." Ayuk declared.

"They better not be adding additional bad stuff to my food." Sil exclaimed.

"I'll talk to them. But why is this so concerning right now, Chamberlain?" Ayuk asked.

"Belly pains. So much of lately. No matter what I eat." Sil explained simply.

"If that's the case, go talk to the Scientist. He should know. I don't know anything about it. I'm not doing anything to the food. If it was happening to the others, they would be complaining too." Ayuk stated.

He had a point, and Sil was the only one who had brought this up to him.

"Fine." Sil stated.

Sil finally went to the Scientist for some anti-nausea medicine. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Scientist." he greeted.

"What do you want?" Tek grumped.

"Chamberlain need medicine for belly pain." Sil replied.

"You think someone is trying to poison you?" Tek asked sarcastically as he got the herbs.

"Something going on, SkekTek. Not funny!" Sil snapped.

"How long has it been going on?"

"Many days now. Not know why. Gourmand say all food is the same he serves us." Sil said.

"Here. Try these. They should help." Tek gave him the herbs. "Now I have to finish this upgrade."

Sil left the lab with a stick of herbs in his hands. He ate the herbs to hopefully get some relief from the nausea he constantly felt. It was the only way he could successfully do his job around the castle like normal again. Then he went to the throne room to see his majesty.

"SkekSil. I have not seen you for a couple of days." SkekSo said.

"Please, forgive, Emperor. Chamberlain not feel well for few days." Sil explained.

"From what?" So asked curiously.

"Just some indigestion, think. Got medicine. Back to normal now." he tried to fake a smile. He still didn't know if the herbs would help him, but this was all he had right now.

"Very well." So said.

Sil did the best he could on his job that day.

It was later in the day at mealtime that eating just seemed out of the question again. Nausea flared when he smelled the food. Sil avoided the table that night. He just didn't want to eat today.

He still went to the Crystal chamber every morning and got his daily dose of Crystal energy.

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