Part 2: Ailments

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Early the next morning, Sil woke up feeling more sore than the night before. But he got up and dressed, getting ready for the usual morning Crystal ceremony. To get some energy into his body. He was also reminded of it with the pain in his shoulder.

The Emperor too felt sore, but refreshed from his lovemaking last night.

All the Skeksis made their way to the Crystal chamber, where they lined up in their special spots to receive the Crystal's energy from having the suns reflect off of them.

The Crystal energy was what the others could only rely on now to get them through since any and all essence now belonged solely to their emperor.

Sil had noticed last night that the Emperor's breathing had been a bit off too, but he had kept up his pace while mating. He knew it was only pleasure mating, nothing else.

But little had Sil known that something was up from his own body. Something was happening inside him at this very moment.

Sil was limping because of last night's pleasure. He also still minded keeping his shoulder out of harm's way. Trying not to let others bump him there.

The Emperor was just minding his own business this morning, like usual. He always seemed to get what he wanted among the Skeksis, or most of the time.

After the ceremony, all the Skeksis split up to go do their jobs around the castle. Sil was one of the main ones who stuck around the emperor all day. But he too ran errands and practically ran the castle.

Sil's biggest rival at the moment was SkekUng, the second General and Garthim Master. Him and his group. SkekNa and even SkekTek had joined them recently.

Ung could be quite the vicious brute. He loved to tear living beings apart. He was also much stronger than Sil was in strength. He was the strongest after the Emperor. He was ultimately proud of the Garthim. His Garthim brought in animals for food and Podling slaves, as Gelflings were not seen anymore, thought to be extinct, and all due to a prophecy.

All the other Skeksis had jobs too.

SkekOk was the Scroll Keeper and Historian. He kept rewritten records and books in the Great Library. He wore two pairs of glasses and a maniacal.

SkekNa was the Slave Master, in charge of castle slaves. Podlings who did and didn't have their essences drained. He also gave the others scraps for snacks in between meals.

SkekTek was the Scientist, always coming up with ways to try to make life better for the Skeksis, or to help the Emperor in his health lately. In the past, Tek had tried to make some more Skeksis too, from the Emperor's request. He had tried and failed to do so, unlike what he had done with the Garthim. And just recently, he had also amputated his right arm and leg, to study his own bodily fluids. He had a bad limp now, but he had a prosthetic leg and arm in their places.

SkekEkt was the Ornamentalist, in charge of making clothing, and some tithes. He looked the most feminine, and sure acted like one too.

SkekAyuk was the Gourmand, the chef of the bunch. He and Na were the ones in charge of feeding their fellow Skeksis.

SkekShod the Treasurer was in charge of the castle's treasures, tithes from the past and of the present, of course.

SkekZok was the Ritual Master, in charge of the Skeksis ceremonies.

SkekMal the Hunter, SkekLach the Collector, SkekVar the first General, SkekSa the Mariner, and SkekLi the Satirist were all dead. It was hard to say for sure if SkekGra the Heretic was still alive or now. He was banished and lived in the Crystal Desert.

Night of Pleasure TurningWhere stories live. Discover now