Part 8

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It was decided the next day that they would reveal the Chamberlain's precious secret to the whole clan.

Sil was so nervous about it being revealed. He could feel the fluttering inside his belly as he stood next to the throne. The Emperor sat proudly on his throne like he always did. It had been shortly after the Crystal ceremony. SkekSo had ordered the others to all go to the throne room because he had an announcement.

The clan was all in the throne room now, waiting on the announcement. It had to be important for them all to be in there at once, even the Scientist.

"Now that you are all here, there is something important to tell you all." So began. The others were listening.

"It's about these last few unums of what's been going on with this special job by SkekSil for me." So stated. "Surely, you all noticed of Chamberlain's sickness and other strange behaviors? Well, what's been going on is now to be revealed."

"So, what has been going on, Sire?" Zok asked curiously.

"We know SkekSil has been spoiled rotten, getting everything he wants, as you ordered." the Slave Master said.

"He's had his every whim given to him. Yes, we would like to know what's going on?" the Scroll Keeper inquired.

Sil spoke up. "One night with Emperor was all this took. Strange behavior of Chamberlain come down to one thing only." he said nervously.

The others still didn't get what he meant.

"What?" SkekEkt asked desperately. They all just wanted him to get straight to the point.

"SkekSil is carrying the Emperor's offspring." the Scientist blabbed the rest.

There were a few gasps and eyes widening among the others. And some "Whats?!" among them. It was so shocking for them all.

"Are you sure, Emperor?" Zok asked, shocked.

"Yes, Ritual Master. There are going to be new ones among us soon, and Chamberlain is going to give them to us. You are to treat him respectively while he is in this condition. That is why I had ordered it in the first place to give him what he wants. This is my final order on it." SkekSo decreed.

"Yes, Sire." the others said in unison. It was so sudden to take in.

"And it best you all knew before baby was on its way." Sil added.

"How can we be really sure that you are carrying babies?" Ung demanded.

"SkekTek has felt it too." So replied to that remark.

"We will know for sure when the babies are on their way in a few unums." Tek said. "I am monitoring SkekSil closely."

"But, how could it have happened? I mean, trines of mating have never produced childlings before." Ok declared.

"It's hard to say for sure." Tek said, "Unless, sire, maybe the essence has done something extra special for us?"

"Hmm. Intriguing idea, Scientist. But, anyway how it happened, now that you all know, you all can get yourselves prepared for the arrival." the Emperor said.

It was true. At least this wasn't so last minute. The rest would have time to get used to the idea that there were going to be new Skeksis in the clan soon, whether they liked it or not.

If there was stuff that needed to be decided most was where the young one would sleep, eat, and most of all, what the name or names would be, and what the status would be. It or they would be a little princes for sure, being the emperor's offspring.

Night of Pleasure TurningWhere stories live. Discover now