I looked at the office lady that yelled at him before and she just shrugged. "He's a cocky one that boy, but he's a good kid." I laughed a little and sat down in one of the chairs. "Miss Montgomery should be here soon to show you around." She spoke again. I thanked her and went on my phone. As soon as I started to read one of my Ebooks, a girl rushed in.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late Mrs. Shaun. I got rushed by a bunch of kids as soon as I got to my locker." The office lady smiled. "It's okay Miss Montgomery, she hasn't been waiting for too long." I looked up to see who was going to be taking me around the school. She was tall. Around 5'8 or 5'9. She had tanned skin that made her light blue eyes stand out more than they already did. She had short black hair that fell just right above her eyes. She flashed a smile at me and extended her hand. "Hi I'm Nikki. I'll be the one showing you around the school today."

I took her hand. It was big but soft. "I'm Mia. It's nice to meet you." She smiled again then turned around and waved to the ladies. They waved back and smiled at her.

As we walked around I couldn't help but notice how popular this girl was. About everyone knew who she was. They would come up to her and talked to her about something or another and she would smile at them and introduce me to them. The bell rung and the kids that were hanging around went to their classes. Once everyone got settled and the late bell rang she turned to me.

"Sorry about all of that. They usually aren't like this, but it is the first day." she laughed. I smiled at her "It's okay. We're not going to get in trouble or anything for not being in class already are we?" She shook her head. "Nah we have an excuse. I'll tell your teacher why you're late when I take you to your class." I nodded and we continued the tour. She showed me everything and showed me where all of my classes would be.

We got to my first period and before she opened the door she turned to me once again. "I hope you're able to get the hand of everything. I know half that tour was chaotic." I smiled and thanked her.

We walked in and the teacher was in the middle of talking about the class rules. "Hey Mr. G. I have brought you a present." She said. "This is Mia Baxter. I was showing her around the school, since today is her first day here." The teacher smiled. "Thank you Miss Montgomery. It's nice to meet you Mia, I'm Mr. Grant. Have a seat in that empty desk over there." He said. I walked to the seat to the right of the room that he instructed me to sit in. I looked up and saw Nikki smile at me before she walked out of the room.

Mr. Grant continued to go over everything. He let everyone chat the last five minutes of the class and I had a couple girls come up to me and introduced themselves. The red head girl in the back changed the subject. "So Mia, we happened to notice that you came in with the golden girl." I raised an eyebrow. "The golden girl?" Lucy, a short girl with shoulder length brown hair spoke up. "Yeah Nikki? She's probably one of the most popular girls in the school. She's on the basketball and powerlifting team. Everyone knows her around here." A boy I hadn't talked to yet came over and chimed in. "Yeah and she's smoking hot." Another girl who looked similar to him came up and punched him on the shoulder. "Too bad she doesn't swing your way." He rolled his eyes and they walked away talking about the subject some more.

I just stared at them and then cracked up along with the rest of the group. Lucy spoke up again first. "But yeah, everyone's got their eyes on her. You're lucky you were able to meet her so soon." I couldn't help but think about everything that was just said. I figured she was popular from earlier, but this popular? It seemed everyone had a crush on her. Guys and girls alike. I laughed awkwardly. "Haha I guess I am."

Another girl came up with her arms crossed. She wore her blonde hair in a tight high ponytail. "Don't get any ideas new girl. Nikki is mine." I didn't have a chance to say anything before Lucy spoke up. "Chelsea. She's taken. You don't exactly have a chance with her either." Chelsea scoffed. "The two of them have been rocky anyways. As soon as she's single you can bet that I'll be the next one on her arm." She stated as she walked away from us as quick as she had came in.

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