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TW- mentions seizures and blood

I run into her room and see her seizing in her wheelchair. Crap, the wheelchair is not the place for this.
Nat- ok, you 2 need to leave, I need room.
They both rush out as I call a bunch of nurses in to help.
Nat- get her back on all the monitors and get suction ready.
Her SATs are way to low. I switch her back to the stronger vent and they still aren't coming up so I set it to 100% oxygen, they improve a bit. She has her tray on the wheelchair and her legs keep hitting it. I manage to get the tray off so she can't hurt herself on it and then I tip the chair back and flip away the head supports since she's straining against them. Her arms and legs keep hitting different parts of the wheelchair, she's going to hurt herself. It's only been 2 minutes, usually we only give meds if it doesn't stop on it's own within 5 minutes but her SATs are only at 85 and she's going to get hurt.
Nat- someone hold her arm, I'm going to push meds.
The meds do nothing, she keeps seizing. Then her leg kicks out and hits a cart someone left next to her really hard.
I give her more meds, she's now maxed out.
Nat- get ready to transfer, we're moving her as soon as we can.
Finally her EEG starts to normalize and her movements decrease.
Nat- ok, get her in the bed.
It looked like the seizure was going to stop but then it started again. At least she's in bed now so she's not hurting herself. Her vitals aren't great but they're holding so I decide to wait it out for a bit since the other option is an induced coma again which everyone wants to avoid. After a few minutes her BP started to drop and I have no idea what's going on.
Nat- what's going on, is she bleeding?
Nurse 1- a bit from where she hit her leg but not enough for her BP to drop like this.
Nat- start checking her for internal bleeding anywhere she hit something.
The nurse and I start checking her as fast as we can which is difficult because she's still seizing. Then I notice a dark spot on her shirt.

I lift up her shirt and see that her tube got pulled out at some point. Her stoma is ripped open and bleeding but not enough to cause this BP drop. I gently push on her stomach and blood pours out her stoma.
Nat- I think I found the bleed, I need an ultrasound
Someone brought a machine in and I did an ultrasound of her abdomen. More blood is coming out as she keeps seizing and her BP is still dropping.
Nat- her stomach's full of blood, she needs to get to an OR now!
Nurse 2- we need to switch her to the portable vent.
Nat- no time, she's bleeding out. Bag her, let's move. Page a surgeon to meet us in the OR, I don't care who they just need to get there now!
I get on her bed and hold pressure on her stoma, hoping to slow the bleeding. She's still seizing which is probably making the bleed worse but at this point we just have to wait for the anesthesia to stop it. She's so pale. We burst into the hall and I see Maggie, she must have been coming to visit.
Nat- Maggie go scrub
Maggie- what happened?
Nat- no time she's bleeding out, GO SCRUB. And make sure the OR is ready, she's going to need blood and a good surgeon.
We got to the OR and started hooking her up to everything. The anesthesiologist put her out immediately which finally stopped the seizure. By the time we had her prepped dr Rhodes was walking in. Maggie was already scrubbed in from me yelling at her in the hall.
Nat- PEG tube pulled out during a seizure, stomach's full of blood. History of abdominal pregnancy and aneurysm that burst during pregnancy.
Rhodes- I've got her, go clean up and update her family.
Nat- she wants a low profile tube. If it's possible to do that now to avoid another surgery later.
I leave the OR and go shower to wash all her blood off me. It doesn't usually affect me but this is Gabby Dawson. When I'm done in the shower I go check on her, still in surgery, and call Antonio.

Antonio POV
I pull into the daycare parking lot to get Shay and my phone starts ringing, it's Nat. I smile thinking it's Gabby calling and Shay will be able to talk to her on the phone at least. I answer the phone
A- hello
N- hi Antonio
A- oh I thought it would be Gabby calling. Is everything ok?
N- Gabby's in surgery
I cut her off
A- what happened? Is she ok?
N- she had a seizure and somehow her tube got pulled out. No one noticed until her BP started to drop. She was bleeding into her stomach, she's in surgery with Rhodes now.
A- is she going to be ok?
N- I don't know yet. She lost a lot of blood but Rhodes is one of the best. I'll update you when she's out of surgery.
A- ok, thanks.
Call ended

I take a minute to pull myself together before going in to get Shay. She spots me and comes over
Shay(signs)- go see mama
Antonio(signs and speaks)- not today Shay.
Shay- I want mama
And she starts crying
Antonio(speaks)- how was she today?
Ms H- she was ok but talked about her mom a lot. So no visit tonight?
Antonio- no, at least not yet. Probably not with Shay if I do get to go.
My phone started ringing again. I looked at it was Nat
Antonio- sorry, I have to get this it's one of her doctors.
I answer the phone
A- hey, what's going on?
N- he's found the bleed and repaired it. Now it's just fixing up the stoma and putting a new tube in but the heavy bleeding has stopped.
A- ok
N- she'll be in the OR for another hour or two. But she'll need to be monitored closely, dr Rhodes is going to keep her sedated for at least 24 hours to let her start healing. She's also going to be on TPN, IV nutrition, probably for at least a week so her stomach can heal.
A- ok, but she'll be ok
N- honestly Tonio it was a big seizure and it didn't stop until she went under anesthesia so we don't know what will happen when she wakes up.
A- ok. Can I come see her?
N- not tonight. Maybe tomorrow but we'll just have to see how the night goes.
A- ok, thanks for the update
N- of course
Call ended
I try to calm down but it's really hard. Nat isn't sure, she doesn't know if Gabby will be ok. She's always been the optimist one, Abrams is also talking about the worst case scenario but Nat is always saying she'll fight through it.

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