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Matt POV
The gala... around 3 years ago
Matt- Antonio who? Is that, is she?
Antonio- she's your daughter
Matt- why? Why didn't she tell me?
Antonio- she didn't want to tell you while she was pregnant because you didn't want her to get pregnant with the aneurysm. I think she was going to tell you when the baby was born but...She was on bed rest in the hospital from 28 weeks because the baby was putting too much pressure on the aneurysm. At 32 weeks the aneurysm burst and Gabby was rushed to surgery where they did a c-section and managed to stop the bleed but she'd lost a lot of blood. Gabby was in a coma for a week, on bed rest in hospital for a month and even when she was released she was using a wheelchair and couldn't lift anything or transfer herself for 2 more months. After that the doctors decided she was healed enough to start PT, 2 weeks later she could walk a bit, another 2 weeks she was walking and carry the baby. A month after that she was back at work. Baby girl was in the NICU for a month because she was a preemie but she's been healthy since then.  She went through a lot. She's been trying to find the right one to tell you.
Matt- what's her name
Antonio- I'd really like to wait, Gabby would want to be the one to introduce you two. She hasn't had a seizure in 26 hours, dr Abrams says she has a better chance at waking up with having less seizures.
Matt- ok, I guess I can wait a few more days. Who knows about her?
Antonio- Erin, her and Gabby talked all the time and she's been watching her when I'm with Gabby, Voight cause that's where we were staying, Nat, and obviously some nurses who are in here all the time.
Matt- ok
Antonio- can you keep it quiet? For now, Gabby will want to be the one to tell everyone
Matt- for now, but it depends on how long I'm waiting
Antonio- of course
I leave, I can't be around Gabby right now.

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