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"Yedam, let me go", I whispered furiously as he dragged me out of the hall, pulling me into a secluded corner of a garden with statues and fountains.

I jerked my arm away from him, and glared at him. His face was still set in fury. I could almost see small flames erupt in his usually gentle brown eyes.

"What is wrong with you?", I asked as he scoffed.

"'What is wrong with me?' You're doing it again", he retorted, "Flirting with Seon like it doesn't matter."

"Ofcourse it doesn't matter", I yelled, "And it wasn't flirting. Me talking to a every guy isn't me trying to get into their pants."

"Oh, yeah?", he demanded, getting closer, "Then what was that I saw? Both of you hugging, him touching you and you being okay with it? If I tried to do that, you'll push me away!"

"Can you stop?", I said as I stepped backwards, "There's nothing going on between me and Seon. Get over it and stop being so immature!"

"I'm being immature now?", he spat, grabbing my wrist, his nails digging into my skin, "The fact that you and Doyoung have been having fucking 'sleepovers' every week without me knowing doesn't sound immature to you?"

Tears were pricking my eyes and I hated that I was already crying. That Yedam sounded like he hated me was already enough to push me to the verge of tears.

"What Doyoung and I do is none of your business!", I said, choking on every word, "He's been my best friend way longer than you. You wouldn't understand the bond that we have."


I bit my tongue to stop myself from blurting out Doyoung's secret. Instead, I kept silent, the only sound around me was Yedam's heavy breathing and the trickle of water in the fountain.

"What?", he asked, "You have nothing to say?"

I couldn't keep quiet anymore. I was already ready to lash out minutes ago.

"STOP ACTING LIKE I'M THE ONE AT FAULT ALL THE TIME", I yelled, "WHAT ABOUT YOU AND DAEUN? Ever since she arrived at our school, you've always treated me like your second best. Even now, when you fight with her, you come crying to me. I'm tired of not being your favourite anymore but I'm not your fucking consolation prize!"

I was crying freely now, not bothering about how messed up my makeup will be later. My head was pounding and my eyes were thick with the mascara that Doyoung forced me to wear.

I looked at Yedam one more time. "I thought today was the day I could finally tell you how I actually feel", I said, wiping my face sloppily and his eyes widened, "But you've ruined it. I hope you're happy."

I swatted my hand away from his grip and his gaze went to my wrist. There were red marks where his nails dug into my skin. It stung in the cold air.

"Sooah, your wrist—", Yedam whispered. He looked like he was finally coming back to his senses but I was tired. Tired of being heartbroken all the time.

"I'm done with you, Yedam", I said quietly, "I don't want to see your face ever again."

I didn't even wait for his answer as I ran back into the banquet hall.


Yedam's POV:

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck"

I sweared under my breath as I looked around the hall for Sooah, looking for a figure in a violet dress. My heart was pounding like crazy, my head replaying what she said to me before leaving.

midnight love ┃ bang yedam Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя