Chapter. 5 He's back

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I took a quick shower and decided to head over to the trap. I know I'm not supposed to be there alone, but just in case I brought my gun, and slipped it into my black hoodie. I grabbed my MK gold purse and shades.

Walking upstairs, I heard a voice that sounded familiar. Who the hell was in my office? I opened the door smoothly and August, and some girl were on the desktop talking. He looked like he was just about to get some cookies.

They both turned to me, while "Miss kitty", fixed her self up. She smirked and got down from the table. "Baby we have a visitor". My hurt stopped for a second, just to digest what she just said. August turned and stared at me. He too looked like he was hurt, but not as much as he hurt me. "Ti, sup girl how u been." I walked towards the window of shattered glass. There were three bullets that looked almost like a broken heart, in yesterday drive by shooting.

The window was wet, but it wasn't raining. I hadn't relized I had been crying. I'm a thug, why the hell am I crying? Miss kitty left kissing August on his tatted "A", under his jaw. It burned even more knowing that I was the one who moviated him to get "A", standing for both for us, after Mel inspired him as a self made man before he died.

"See you later baby", Miss Kitty said said walking away from him smirking, allowing his eyes to trace her hips. I just didn't have the guts to fight him anymore. He left me for a basic hoe, reminding me of all hell that broke loose when he left. I walked over to him staring him in the eyes with my hands crosses, when water covered up my eyes. "Ashanti it's not what it seems. I love you, I truly do. Things came over and-"I cut him off. "Fuck you August Anthony Alsina"! With that I left. Why do I still have feelings for this nigga. He did me dirty. Do I really hate him, or is it a sigh of jealously. I was totally confused.

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LOYAL Readers gets a shoutout in my reads. #♡♡Love you

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