XXIII: Deep Insecurities.

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chapter twenty-three.
( deep insecurities. )

     Yur Harlow hates secrets

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Yur Harlow hates secrets.

She hates what they do to the people around her, how they tear apart family and friendships, and often destroy everything people spend their lives building; she hates how they make her feel, how they leave her confused and uneasy inside.

A cold chill drifts through the living quarters of the Cave and Yue, with her head in the clouds, almost jumps when Wally falls into the spare seat beside her on the couch. He throws an arm over the back of the couch, resting it behind her head, as he smiles softly. "Still upset you didn't catch Cheshire?"

"Yeah." Yue lies with a nod of her head; it almost scares her how easily it falls from her lips. Keeping a secret was one thing, but lying to the boy who had done nothing but love her? This just wasn't fair.

But more than she hates secrets, she loves her team. When Artemis asked her to hide the secret for just a little longer, she knew there was no choice. When it comes to them, to their happiness, Yue would go to the ends of the earth and back; just like they would for her. For that reason alone, she couldn't break her promise and tell Wally the truth, no matter how much she wanted to just be honest for once.

Sick of the silence, Wally calls her name, then waits until she tilts her head to face him; as she does so, he leans in to steal a kiss. His lips curl into a grin against hers, his right hand moving up to gently rest against her cheek as she kisses him back.

The two teens, as Wally's left-hand snakes under Yue's sweater, freeze when a cough echoes through the living room. Pulling away from her boyfriend, Yue peeks over his shoulder, a loud sigh falling from her lips as she spots a masked figure standing in the doorway. "Roy?"

Wally, with cheeks burning red from the embarrassment of being caught, jumps to his feet and turns to face their friend. "Dude, what are you doing here?" He asks excitedly.

"Walking in on something no one wants to see, apparently." He laughs as he watches Yue roll her eyes on the couch, then strolls further into the room to answer. "You two better not be doing that when I join the team."

"Wait– You're joining the team?" Yue's brows furrow and she lifts herself off the couch. "What happened to us just being a Junior Justice League?" Despite her questioning, and even despite the annoyance she has felt towards Roy as of late, she can't help but grin.

Roy is, even after leaving the Hall in July, one of her closest friends. They had met when Yue and Dick were the only two sidekicks of the League, and though their first meeting had been anything but friendly, she cares about him the same way she cares about Dick, or Kaldur, or even the rest of the team.

"Kaldur!" Wally calls out to their leader as he enters the room behind the archer. "Did you hear that? Roy's joining the team!"

"Indeed." Kaldur grins, then rests his hand against Roy's shoulder. "It will be good to have you join us." He turns to face the two teens across from them. "Green Arrow is waiting in the briefing room. He has a mission for us."

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