IX: A Lifeguard Initiation Thing.

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chapter nine.
( a lifeguard initiation thing. )

     The warm sun sits high above Happy Harbour

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The warm sun sits high above Happy Harbour. The team stands at the most excluded part of the town beach– with two members of their team so obviously not human, and the beach being part of the Cave's backyard, it was easier than travelling to the extremely busy side.

"Hello, Megan!" M'gann, with her arms stretched out at her sides while she basks in the warm sun, grins brightly. "We should hit the beach every day!"

"First, a moment of silence for our absent comrade." Dick adjusts his sunglasses.

M'gann's smile falters, "Poor Wally."

When Yue called him the night before the team's beach day, Wally had been beyond annoyed that while he had to attend the first day of school, both Yue and Dick – on the count of their school's gymnasium being destroyed by Amazo – were given an extra two-weeks added to their summer vacation.

"He said he'll run straight here the second school's out," Yue informs the team, gently nudging M'gann's arm with her elbow as a smile spreads across her lips. "That means the rest of us can enjoy today guilt-free."

"Then, what are we waiting for?" M'gann's laugh is contagious as she and the others race into the water. Kaldur is the first to dive into the ocean, a bright grin tugging at his lips as he resurfaces in time to catch the beach ball thrown his way by Dick.

Yue remains on the warm sand, lying against her towel with her eyes closed. Moments like this, the calm and the fun, were the best parts of having a team of her own; moments where the burdens on their shoulders could disappear.

Minutes pass as laughter echoes through the beach, it's only when she feels someone's presence beside her that Yue peeks an eye open again. M'gann sits on the towel beside her, her legs pulled up to her chest as she stares out into the ocean.

Curious, Yue pushes herself up to lean against her elbows, her dark gaze following M'gann's over to Superboy's shirtless figure. "So," she smirks, glancing back at her friend. "It's one of those crushes, huh?"

"Huh?" M'gann's amber eyes widen and she quickly turns to face Yue. "What are you... What are you talking about?"

"You know what." Yue sits up, crosses her legs and nods toward Superboy as a grin tugs at her lips.

M'gann's cheeks glow pink and she awkwardly fiddles with her fingers in silence, until she turns to glance at the girl sitting beside her. "Yue, do you... Do you like anyone?" She asks softly.

Much like the Martian, Yue finds herself averting her gaze, her lips curling into a frown. She did like someone, but the boy who had her heart in his hands would never feel the same; it was a fact she had known for years now. While Yue would forever be head over heels for her best friend, he would fall and fall and fall again for every girl but her.

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