I sighed and said, "okay bye then, I will call you later." And cut the call.

End of call 📞

How did we become so distant? How did my babies become like this? They were so sweet, kind and soft hearted.


It has been 3 weeks since that cold phone call. I have been dying to meet my babies. I have spoke to them often but I see them rarely nowadays.

So I decided to go to their photoshoot and watch them.

I reached the building lobby and told the receptionist my name, she didn't ask me any questions after that and let me in to the photoshoot room.

I reached and opened the door and saw both of my babies looking extremely handsome and posing to the camera perfectly. It seemed like the camera was made just for them.

I saw their manager, Kim Mingyu waving at me, I just nodded back at him. Had to keep my cold persona up. But Mingyu was a good man, he takes care of them and guides them through and he is my age! I was amazed by his maturity and calmness.

I waited for the shoot to finish. After a while once it was done, I walked up to them but both of them just walked past me! I went behind them thinking that maybe they wanted me to follow them.

I followed them into the makeup room and ran up to them and hugged both of them tightly and said, "I missed you so much my babies. How are you liking this job? If it is too much you can always quit and come back.

I am telling not you to quit or anything, I am just suggesting. Any way how are you two? Why haven't you come and visited me in so long? Tell me. And Jimin, I called you so many__" " Enough Jungkook we are not your babies anymore." Tae said.

"We are top models now. You think you can see us just like that? Without an appointment?" Jimin said looking angry. What was wrong with them?

Mingyu and a few other people were present as well.

"Babies why are talking like this? Its me! Your Koo." I said in a pleading tone.

"Jungkook stop this emotional drama. So what we knew you before but it doesn't mean that you act like we are your friends or something!" Tae said.

I was shocked at their answer. "You are so annoying Jungkook. All the time calling and asking what we are doing? This-that-this-that. Can't you keep your mouth shut huh?" Tae stopped while Jimin continued.

"Yeah, all the time calling and pissing us off. Can't you leave us alone? What do you think? We are your slaves that you will__" I cut him off with a slap.

"You two just shut up. I was worried for you, if you don't want me pestering you because I was WORRIED.

Then I am so sorry for disturbing and annoying you. Taehyung, Jimin you have only seen my nice side from now on you will see my other side.

Yes, we are not friends, you are not even worthy to be my friend. This fame has gotten into your head. And when you realise what you have done, I won't be there. Remember that.

Goodbye" with that I just left. This is always what happens when I show a little bit of kindness to anyone. They are nice at first then I help them, and they think that they rule me!

Oh no! Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin what a grave mistake you have done?

I will torture them like how normally it happens but instead I will never bother them again. I don't have to be the one to punish them, karma will get them.

They didn't even consider how patiently I took care of them, fed them, bathed them, put them to sleep, made sure that their nightmares were away, heck I am still searching for their old owner.

But after this, fuck it! Why should I do it? Why should I run behind them? It is their fault that they lost a good hearted man like me.

"Mr. Jeon wait up. Please slow down" I heard Mingyu yell while I walking to my car. "I know what you are going to say Mingyu. It is their fault completely, dont cover for them telling some lame excuses." I said and walked away without waiting for a reply.

I drove home and took a nice cold shower to clear my head. The next important think which I did was to throw away any think which I bought for Kim and Park.

I don't need such peoples' things contaminating my house. After I was done with throwing everything, I came and sat on the couch and looked around.

Neat, elegant and simple, just the way it should and just the way I like it.


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