Chapter 29

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As long as you look me in the eyes,
I'll go wherever you are,
I'll follow behind.

- Zayn


My eyes constantly flickered from the laptop to Selena, who was sitting on the couch across from me. My fingers continued typing the rest of the report as the princess just stared at me with her arms crossed in front of her chest. 

I chuckled, looking up at her, and paused with the typing. "I'm not used to someone staring at me while I work," I said, tilting my head just slightly to the side. 

Selena slips on a fake frown and shrugged loosely. "Well it's not like there are any other things to look at— Zayn— You don't let me open the TV and force me to sit here until you're finished with whatever you're typing— What else am I supposed to do?!" 

"Fine— you can stare at me all you want, there's no way I'm letting you leave the couch," I said, having a small smile on my lips as I went back to writing the mission report that I was supposed to get done by today.

Selena groaned loudly as if wanting me to hear how frustrated she was with me. "You— you're the most— Arrogant, mean, ridiculous guy I've ever met!" She yelled, jabbing fingers at me. 

I smiled as I just continued to type down my report. Selena saw this and scoff, slumping back forcefully into the couch. "How long are you gonna take writing that report?" 

"—Can you shut up and let me work, please?" I asked out of annoyance. Selena's mouth kinda fell half-open before scoffing quietly in disbelief. 

"Did you really just—"

I raised an eyebrow at her, watching in amusement as she slowly closed her mouth. "Thank you," I said, smiling before looking back down at my laptop and continuing to type the rest of the report. 

My hair was still wet from the shower I had after the whole training Selena thing. I have to be honest, the girl hit hard. Selena also changed off her sweaty gym clothes and wore something more comfortable for staying home. 

Liam and Harry went out to get some groceries since we were running out of food and the princess wanted some ramen. Since it was only me and her in the house, and because I was supposed to work, keeping Selena on the couch with me was the only way to watch her. 

I wasn't gonna let what happened last time happen again. I pulled the MacBook shut and Selena's eyes snap up at mine. "Finish? —Finally!" 

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