"I was merely checking for breath," I said, somewhat weakly. Mom smiled even wider, she always knew when I was lying, she was my mother after all. The others didn't seem to believe me either. I could tell because everyone was smiling, Jessica looked jealous, "humph" she huffed. 

Not gonna lie, I felt kind of happy that Jessica was jealous. I glanced at Zoe, expecting her to be fuming too, but instead, she looked happy. What the hell?

"Anyways," mom said, saving me from anymore embarrassment. "That's not what we came here for, we came to tell you that Cyrus wanted to meet us somewhere, he said that he has a plan over the phone. He also insisted you come." I rolled my eyes at that. 

"Let's go then," I said icily.


We took the SUV that dad rented. Grandpa told us to meet him at a nearby Starbucks. It was only a 10 minute drive from the hospital.

We went in and saw grandpa sitting down in one of the booths. We all got a drink for ourselves and sat down.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, I'll start explaining," grandpa said. "There is nobody guarding the building, it's basically empty, which will make it easy for us to break in. Based on what Erica told me, the only people we have to look out for are Ms. E, Leo Shang, Warren Reaves, Ashley Sparks and the men that took you guys to your cell." He pointed at me, Mike and Jessica.

"The building is only a cover up, the real action goes on underground. That's why we have to get there. The only way down is by the entrance which we ran out of. I am sure that SPYDER has the place monitored, so me, Erica, and Catherine will have to disable the cameras. Once that is done, we just have to sneak in and avoid getting caught. The only people going in will be me, Erica, Catherine, Jawa, and Mike. The rest of you will be keeping watch. Everyone got it?"

We all nodded. 


I had disabled 4 cameras already, I'm right now on the 5th. I'm pretty sure mom and grandpa are somewhere on their 7th or 8th. 

We finished our jobs in a matter of minutes and contacted the others. Seconds later, me, grandpa, mom, Jawa and Mike were walking in a single file down a random corridor. 

We passed by a couple rooms that were all empty, eventually, we stumbled across something remotely interesting, the security room. The guards that blindfolded us and led us to our cell were sitting there in cheap plastic chairs. Wow, SPYDER really was low on funds. There were 4 guards in total and they were all asleep.

We left them alone and went on with our mission. We walked pass another room and I saw what I think was their mission control. There was people in here too. Ashley Sparks and Warren Reaves. 

I gritted my teeth. I wanted to launch myself at them. Mom stopped me and slipped a tranquillizer gun into my hand. I nodded and we shot them simultaneously. They fell off their chairs and I didn't bother to catch them. Neither did anyone else. Their heads made a satisfying sound when they collided with the stone floor.

I looked around the room and saw a map of Egypt hanging on the wall. The map was lined with crosses and marks, probably where all the bombs are located. I tore it off the wall and stuffed it in an evidence bag. 

There were others things too, mom found a slip of paper on one of the tables with the words 'Heavy Duty Building Company' printed on both sides of it. Grandpa found another slip of paper with some numbers on it.

We put it all in some evidence bags that we brought and walked out. Mike and Jawa followed us, they were keeping watch while we searched. 

"Find anything?" Mike asked. I nodded and put a finger to my lips, signaling him to keep quiet. He didn't make a sound after that.

We were heading out using a different way to try to find anything else. It worked. We stumbled across a luxury room decorated with silk tapestries and a queen sided bed. Laying in the bed was Leo Shang.

He was asleep but I still shot him with a dart, just to make sure. Mike took Leo Shang's arms and Jawa took his legs. We checked his pockets and I fished out two phones. One was a high-tech phone with a sleek black casing. The other one was the standard iphone with a pink hello-kitty case. Weird.

We got out of the building and we all went into the car. We took Leo Shang to the hotel and tied him to one of the chairs in grandpa's room. I made sure to put the 'Do not disturb' sign on the doorknob. 

Me and mom then took the car to get Ben out of the hospital. 

We were going to need him later.

*Sigh* I could have done much better on this chapter. I'm just to lazy right now, promise I'll make the next chapter a lot longer.    



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