𝟔.𝟐𝟏 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝

Start bij het begin

"I'm not feeling so superior right now!" She says discouraged. Deucalion slowly makes his way through the maze as the others attempt to find him. He hits the nearby shipping container with his cane, and Jules and Brett spin in an effort to keep up with him.

"Find me." He says as his voice echos. Deucalion's cat and mouse game continued on.
"Come at me!" He tells. Deucalion then begins to drag the tip of his cane along the corrugated metal shipping containers. Jules  manages to more or less keep up with him by feeling the walls, with Brett a short distance behind her.

Deucalion soon lead them out into the parking lot
"Come find me!" He says again as Jules and Brett make their way it with Scott and Malia following closely behind. Deucalion appears out of the shadows and hits all of them in the shins with his cane using so much force they are all knocked flat on their backs. Confused, they all pull off their blindfolds and look up at Deucalion, who sighs in exasperation.

"I feel like I just died." Jules says with a weak voice. Brett helps her up but keeps his hand intertwined with hers. "Again." Deucalion tells them. Brett grabs her blindfold and places it over her head, tightening it but not to the point where it would hurt her. He kissed her forehead reassuring her that they would be able to do this as he could sense her worry.

The four stand back to back as Deucalion continues to give his lesson. "In humans, thermoception is done mainly through the skin. You have temperature receptors that pick up the change in heat and cold. The eyes of Werewolves are particularly effective in picking up heat. Jules in particular may have it easier as her whole aura revolves around fire." He says making her smile slightly.

Deucalion closes his eyes for a short moment before then opening them to reveal bright red glowing irises. His vision takes on a reddish-orange hue as he looks at the group.

"What do we do without our eyes?" Scott asks him. "Focus on your skin—the minute temperature changes." Malia curiously holds her hands out in front of her as though searching for a change in how her skin feels.

"Now, turn and face each other." He says as they turn forming a diamond shape. Jules tells her as chance as her vision takes in a purple and red tint as she senses the heat around her. "Malia? Try to hit Scott." Malia turns as though she's trying to look at him in disbelief through her blindfold. "Seriously?" It was clear that Deucalion's patience was wearing thin.

"Yes, seriously. You came here to learn to fight—kick his ass!" Malia turns back to face Scott, who looked very unsure about this plan but efore Scott can protest further, Malia rears back her fist and throws a punch at Scott, who she can also see through her newly-developing thermoception sense, and who she hits in the gut. When Scott doubles over in pain, Malia, proud of herself, giggles happily

"Now Jules, let's see how much mercy you really have. I'd like you to attack your little boyfriend." She gulps slightly as the heat coming off of Brett gets into her line of vision. "It's okay, I'll be okay." He reassured her as she grabs him by the shoulder and knees him in the stomach. He immediately groans in pain and falls on the floor.

Brett stands despite being in pain and Scott asks. "What are we supposed to do now?" Scott asks referring to himself and Brett. "Defend yourselves." Deucalion answers with a smirk.
Scott stands up straight just in time for Malia to throw another punch, which he barely blocks with the back of his arm. However, when Scott throws a punch of his own, Malia is able to duck to avoid it before suckerpunching him in the face. Scott staggers backward and leans against the nearby support column, groaning in pain as Deucalion sighs and looks down at the ground. Malia looks guilty and tries to comfort him.


"Don't be sorry! Hit him again!" He says impatiently. Brett finally getting the idea punches Jules knocking her down in her knees, but she knew she couldn't blame him. They all had to show no mercy.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu