chapter twenty four

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Jaemin carefully support the girl, helping the girl to walk

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Jaemin carefully support the girl, helping the girl to walk. Haemin gave a quick glance towards Jaemin before chuckling. "you know I hurt my arms not my legs"

He sighed heavily. "what's wrong with helping you?" he said casually before knocking on the door.

They just arrived at Bora's house after going to hospital earlier, treating Haemin's wound. Jaemin planned to just straightly go home instead of going to Bora's house but you know how stubborn Haemin is.

The door swung opened revealing Renjun. He turned to Jaemin before turning to Haemin. "ah, you're Haemin, right?" he asked and Haemin nodded her head before politely smiled.
Renjun grinned and opened the door widely.

"everyone's here already, you guys are late" Chenle said before crossing his arms over his chest. "you didn't tell us, you are going to be late Jaemin hyung" Jisung said and Jaemin rolled his eyes.

He took a seat beside Haemin. "we would be early but something happened earlier" he said before eyeing Haemin. Dohee raised her eyebrows, "what happened?"

Jaemin turned to Haemin, "someone tried to take Haemin away when we stop at my grandparents shop, he even hurt Haemin" he explained and pointed towards Haemin's arm.

Bora who just got back into the living room, gasped before placing the tray of teas on the table and walked towards Haemin. "someone hurt Haemin?" she asked before checking her bandage around her arm.

Haemin smiled, "this is just a little, it's fine"

Jaemin shook his head, "you said that like it was nothing princess, the doctor said the wound is kinda deep"

Haemin raised her eyebrows and eyed Jaemin before telling something with her eyes. Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows, doesn't get what she's trying to say.

Haechan asked before scoffing.

Jaemin immediately shut his mouth before scratching his nape nervously. Jeno smirked and laughed a little. "what is this?"

Haemin nudged Jaemin before laughing. "I know right? ridiculous, Jaemin suddenly call me with that nickname, it's weird" Jaemin eyes went wide.

"you said you like it?" he mouthed and she hissed, "shut up" she mouthed back.

Dohee laughed breaking the silence. "I see there will be a new couple soon" she said and Chenle smirked, nodding his head, agreeing with the girl.

"ah whatever- why are we even talking about this? We're trying to discuss about our plan right? now Haemin is here, we can easily get information about Stray Kids and Kwon Jisuk"
Renjun chuckled before rolling his eyes.

They were about to say a word but the knocked on the door cut them off. Bora sighed, "who could it be" she muttered before getting up from the see. "I'll get it" she said before running towards the door.

Everyone sip on their teas while staring at Jaemin and Haemin who just sitting awkwardly in front of them.

A few seconds later, a screamed could be heard from the door making everyone flinched.

"what's wrong baby?!" Haechan exclaimed as he ran towards the door. Bora ran inside the house with a pizza boxes in her hands.

"someone treats a lot of pizzas today!" she said happily and Renjun sighed heavily before facepalming.

"I thought something happen to you bora!" Renjun said and Bora giggled.

"I think it's better to discuss with me around right?" a voice approached and everyone smiled widely. "Taeyong hyung!" Mark said and Taeyong chuckled.

Jaemin turned towards Haemin, "that's my boss" he said and Haemin mouth formed into 'O' as she nodded her head. "he's handsome" she whispered and Jaemin scoffed before rolling his eyes.

Taeyong took a seat on the empty seat before smiling at everyone then turned to Haemin. "oh hi, you must be Haemin, how are you?" he asked and Haemin smiled before nodding her head.

"yeah, I'm fine" she replied and Jeno grinned. "of course she is, she lives with Jaemin, hyung..." Jeno said nudging Taeyong. Jaemin glared towards his best friend.

Taeyong laughed, "okay enough, we should start discussing now, this case is more complicated than we think, we're dealing with 2 most wanted criminal now" he said and everyone nodded their head, focusing on their boss.

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