chapter twenty

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Haemin sighed before pulled her hoodie cap, covering her head and walked out from the room

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Haemin sighed before pulled her hoodie cap, covering her head and walked out from the room. She headed towards the living room and saw Jaemin sitting there typing on his laptop probably doing his work.

She doesn't want to care, it's not her concern.

She gave a quick glance towards the man before pursed her lips and walked towards the door. "where are you going?" he coldly asked, stopping her steps.

"convenience store" she quietly replied and he hummed. After hearing his short answers she left the apartment, heading towards the convenience store that she once went with Jaemin before.

Jaemin sighed heavily before shaking his head and continued typing, doing his works.

It had already been 2 days since their argument. They never talk about it, instead the giving cold shoulders towards each other.

There's no more joking with each other or eating together. If Haemin feels like eating, she will cook for herself, if not she will just stay inside the room.

It's a lie if Jaemin say he doesn't worry about the girl. He wants to approach the girl but he doesn't know how to start the conversation with her. Besides, she looks like she still needs some space and she's also had been avoiding him.

Jaemin has no intention to make the girl feel upset but he just doesn't like the idea of her using herself as bait, putting herself in a danger. He doesn't want that.

"you probably likes her already, Jaemin-ah" -what Jeno told to him.

"I bet you already develop feelings for her, nana- I mean, you never care much about girls before- you never even give any attention to girls" ­-what Bora told to him.

"just try to apologize, try to have a slow talk with her- I'm sure she will listen to you and there's a small hope that she might like you because if she doesn't, this little argument and your silent treatment that you give to her won't affect her much" -what his mother told him.

Jaemin sighed heavily before turning his attention towards the window. The sky is getting dark, means that it will be raining soon.

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows before averted his attention towards the door, "it'll rain soon, where is she?"


Haemin grabbed a tub of ice cream before heading towards instant meals section and grabbed a few instant noodles. She walked towards the cashier and pay for all foods.

Haemin decided to stay awhile at the convenience store while finishing her coffee. Besides it has been awhile since she went outside. Staying inside the room almost 24/7 made her feel bored.

She missed doing her old day routines like before. She usually woke up early and go for a jog before headed towards the café she works at then go home in the evening.

Then in the evening, she will do her assignments since she's studying from home. She's always busy and always has a productive thing to do in a day.

But everything stops when she met Minho.

"shit, it's raining" she mumbled to herself before quickly finished her coffee and grabbed the plastic that full with foods.

She looked at everyone who immediately opened their umbrella. Some of them share their umbrella with their partner; some of them just use their umbrella for themselves.

"great, I'm the only one who doesn't have umbrella" she said before pulling the hoodie cap and walked back towards Jaemin's apartment.

She slowly walked under the rain. "it's okay, take your time Haemin, it's just a rain, until when you wants to scared of the thunder? You're big enough, you have to get rid of that stupid fear" she muttered quietly towards herself.

Some people might think she is crazy for talking alone but she doesn't care. Talking to ourselves make us feel better to be honest.

Haemin started to shiver because it's really windy and cold outside.

Once she arrived at Jaemin's apartment, she quietly opened the door. It didn't go unnoticed to Jaemin. He straightly walked towards the girl with a towel with him.

She looked up to him as he stood in front of her, furrowing his eyebrows. "why are you so late? It's raining outside and- tch, look at you" he sighed heavily before wrapping the towel around her.

He grabbed the plastic bag from her.

"go take a shower immediately- ah you will get sick you know?" he sighed again before pushing the girl towards her room.

Haemin rolled her eyes before obediently walked towards her room and took a shower just like what he told her to do.

"why is he so caring? Is he always like that with everyone or what? ey, there's no way he's like that just with you-" she scoffed before shaking her head.

"Haemin! Quick, take a shower then come eat dinner with me! you haven't eat anything!" he shouted from the living room.

Haemin sighed, "yeah, yeah, I know!" she shouted back.

✓ PRINCESS | JaeminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora