33= "our last breath?.."

Start from the beginning


How can they say this?

I myself confess that when I see this world, it's bad parts, I become afraid, I become afraid for all the wishes, the special hopes, I have in my heart.

Until I look around me, and I see so many things. I look at the plants and then see the amazing texture of the leaves and think about its little pores that we can't see.
How plants so many plants that we pass.. see...they are actually breathing.

How a moon that looks so tiny from our view looks so magical - the stars seems more beautiful than any diamond. Our bodies having so many mysterical things.

Who made all this?


Then do you think He Will leave you alone. Why do you hesitate to imagine fantasies?

All the things He made, look at the mountains and all the magical things around you, the shine of the moon, start from tonight, spare just five minutes for yourself and sit under the sky and just look at the stars...moon. The magical sky. It will look nothing less than a fantasy... Like you are feeling something magical.

He... He Is Truly The Most Merciful. He says keep Tawaqul in Me, I will make your world and Akira so beautiful.
He says ask from Me, I Will Give you.

He never gave us any limit... He never said ask this much I Will Give you.

He says, ask, and I Will give you.

No limits... no matter how many times you ask no matter how much big you ask... He Is There.

When your Rabb is there, what are you afraid of?

When you have a protector Whose power is more than what we can't imagine, why do you feel afraid.


Keep Tawaqul in Allah, that He Will always listen to you and Will gift you best of the best gifts and His Mercies.

"Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
Ayat no. 60)

"My mercy encompasses all things"
(Surat - ul-Ayeraaf
Ayat no. 156)

And don't forget to read Ayat ul Kursi after every fard, Surah Mulk and last two ayats of Surah Baqara before sleeping.

Jazakumullahu khairun katheera

Now to the story,

Chapter no. 33

"Our last breath...?"


"You are lucky, I have an important work, or I wouldn't have missed the opportunity to hear your screams", KJ said as he fixed his tie,

"Bye bye, see you soon - or more like what would have been left of you".

He ushered his men out and then walked out himself but not before pushing the red button which caused the walls of metal thorns to move forward, ready to end them- to tear them apart.

And then the banging of the door and the sound of the walls moving forward was the only sound in the room as the walls moved towards them, and the three of them were locked in chains.

The three of them were terrified, and the uncanny thing was they were not scared for themselves but for their loved ones.

Like AbdulWadood was not scared that the metal thorns could peirce his skin, too, could make him bleed to death. But he was scared - no terrified - that these metal thorns could hurt his father and his best friend whom he loved very much.

It Started with a Hijabi's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now