Chapter 7- DreamWasTaken (by the Sleepy Boys)

Start from the beginning

"Tubbo didn't appreciate my singing," he said through the toothbrush, looking annoyed. "I can't go back in until he's gone." He picked up the remote on the couch and began flipping through channels on the tv. Dream watched, a little curious about whether he'd see himself or not.

Wilbur stopped on one channel. "This is the one we usually watch, they're the most up to date but don't input too many personal opinions."

Dream nodded, it was currently on commercials. He shoveled eggs into his mouth hungrily.

"How ya feeling Dream?"

"Better than last night," he replied. "Knees are weak, shoulder is recovering, but otherwise I'm not bad."

Music filled the room and all eyes riveted to the screen. Even Techno, reading in an armchair, looked up from his book. A reporter with blonde hair and pink tips smiled at the camera, shuffling papers. A little bar along the bottom of the screen declared her name to be Nihachu.

"Welcome back," she said in a soft voice. "As promised, we have our hourly updates on the Sleepy Boys."

The camera panned and Dream choked on his eggs when he saw who was seated in the guest seat of the show. Punz adjusted nervously, fiddling with a zipper on his leg. White bandages were striped over his nose, giving Dream a faint sense of amusement. Wilbur pounded his back and Dream regained breath again to hear Nihachu begin her interview.

"So, Punz, you said you had an encounter with the newest Sleepy Boy last night?"

"I did," Punz confirmed, a little more nasal than before. "Last night my squad and I found him and Wilbur Soot burning down an abandoned warehouse. We tried to track them down and capture them, but they escaped."

"And who was this mysterious being?"

"He said his name was Nightmare." Punz's voice was laced with disgust, he would probably be wrinkling his nose if it wasn't broken.

"Nightmare?" Tommy cackled with laughter. "Real original."

"Shut it," Dream muttered, flushing. "I was under a lot of pressure, okay?"

"-Nightmare look like?"

"Tall, sandy hair, all black clothes. But the scariest thing was his mask." Punz shuddered, looking directly at the camera. "He wore a smiling mask that covered his entire face. It taunted you at every turn, and I could hear him laughing from behind it. He is extremely dangerous, and quite possibly insane.."

Nihachu frowned a little, looking upset.

"So, did he tell you anything about himself?"

"Only his name," Punz said darkly, looking away from the camera and back to her. "He said he took it in honor of the hostage."

Nihachu squeaked, her eyes going wide. This was not part of her script apparently. The entire kitchen drew in an anticipating breath, waiting fervently.


"Oh yeah, they kidnapped one of my coworkers," Punz said, looking pissed. "His name's Dream, and we haven't seen him since the day after the station blew up."

Dream smirked from his seat, crossing his arms confidently.

"Well, I solved that problem," he said with a snicker. "I cannot believe he actually took the bait."

"That was actually a little smart," Techno responded, sounding surprised. "You can play as two people at once, no one will stop to question it."

"Bruh, we've never even taken a hostage before, let alone kidnapped someone." Phil shook his head in exasperation. "If they only saw past the fear and prejudice, maybe we wouldn't be hunted like this."

Dream nodded just as Nihachu shook her head.

"Well, it looks as though we have a missing person's case," she said, looking dejected, her hand flitting up to ablack earpiece that was no doubt feeding her new information about the situation. "Dream Taken, ex to Fundy, beloved policeman, has been captured by the Sleepy Boys."

"They really don't miss an opportunity to bring that up," Dream grumbled, annoyed. "We get it, me and Fundy were a thing in like, high school. Give it up already." He rolled his eyes and went back to his food, ignoring his heart as it twisted.

"You and the fox hybrid?"

"Yeah," Dream said with a snort. "Childhood crush who broke my heart and turned the media against me. What else is new?"

"We'll be back after the break," Nihachu announced, and then she was gone. Wilbur flicked off the tv, looking torn between anger and amusement. His toothbrush lay forgotten on the counter.

"I thought I recognized your name."

"Yeah yeah, 'Celebrity Fundy seen arguing with boyfriend Dream Taken over accused cheating'. That shit was everywhere."

"I'm sorry," Wilbur muttered, hugging him from behind. "That's terrible, I hate that that happened to you."

Dream just kinda shrugged, accepting the hug. Wilbur still smelled like smoke and bonfires, the scent seemed to stick to him like a high quality perfume. It trailed behind him in an invisible cloak of scent.

"I've gotten used to it. They didn't care up until now anyway, I was easy to forget."

"So, what are we doing tonight," Techno cut, setting down his book and stretching against his chair. "Death, blood, a little bit of both?"

"Actually, I was thinking about letting Dream get his stuff from his old apartment."

Techno groaned loudly, but Tommy chimed in.

"That can still have death and blood if you dedicate yourself to it."

"No Tommy."

"Awwwww please?"



"There shouldn't be anyone there anyway," Dream added. "I lived alone."

"Well then let's get going," Techno said, picking up a knife from the coffee table and sliding into a sheath on his wrist. There were a lot of weapons that were just lying around the house, waiting to be used. Dream had half a mind to grab a dagger but conceded that he had nowhere to store it.

"Before we go, Dream." Wilbur looked him up and down, making him flush. "You are going nowhere looking like that."

Dream looked down at his black pants and blue t-shirt, confused.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"We are 'vigilantes'," Wilbur responded in exasperation, pulling him to his feet and storming off. "Even if we can't play the part of villains, I will not have you dressing like a twelve year old kid."

Dream groaned and gave the others a pleading look but they were too busy laughing. Techno caught his eye and gave him a smirk right as the door slammed shut


SHIT I'M LATE NONONONONO!  Sorry, I mean to post this earlier but I forgot to do my final review.  Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying and whatnot.  The first chapter has 100 views, I'm so freaking proud of myself lmao.

Headcannon- SBI will jokingly throw around the fact that they're vigilantes because of a radical paper someone posted/wrote online.  They all know they're the "villains" of DSMP, but pretending otherwise is fun :D

Word Count- 1703

Sleepy Buddies [REWRITE] //DreamburWhere stories live. Discover now