Chapter 14 - Nate's POV

Start from the beginning

We slept for a few hours before Rune was itching to get going again so I shifted and pulled out the rest of our food and laid it out for my warriors. They started waking up to the smell of the food and I started to fold up the tarps and blankets. Once all that was done I shivered as I shifted back and we got ready to head out. The sun isn't even up yet but I knew my warriors will be just fine. Although this may be difficult we have done far more challenging things on our long training excursions. Based on the landmarks we are making excellent time and should be to Mitch's place by dinner time. I think this is a new record, especially during a blizzard.

We didn't say much to each other as our wolves ran like the wind. The sun worked its way across the sky its movement barely noticeable through the thick clouds and thicker snow, the only thing giving away its presence is the lighter gray of the woods around us. Thankfully in wolf form we have enhanced senses including vision so the lack of light isn't a problem. As the last of the weak sunshine was fading from the sky we saw a light in the woods up ahead. I let out a howl that Trevor and Scott joined in. I felt wolves flanking us on either side but could smell that they were from Mitch's pack so they're no threat.

We were exhausted by the time we got to the front door that was standing wide open with Mitch and Selene waiting right inside with blankets and cups filled with something steaming. We slowed our pace to a walk as we crossed the driveway and made our way up the stairs but didn't bother shifting until we got inside and the door was shut behind us.

As soon as we were back in our human forms Mitch threw blankets at us to wrap up in and Selene handed us mugs of hot cider spiked with cinnamon whiskey. I felt the warmth of it work its way down my throat and into my belly where it spread out. As I finish off the mug I look around and notice the lack of people.

"That was delicious, thank you. Where is everyone else?" I ask handing the cup back to Selene.

"They're all at dinner, well except for Nick. He's up in Jemma's room." Mitch said.

I nod my head and turn to my warriors "Why don't you guys go grab some hot food, I'm going to go see my brother and mate." I couldn't hold back the smile that spread across my face at the realization that I was finally in the same house as them, I'm about to meet her in person and I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.

"Excellent idea although might I suggest you take a shower and get dressed first." Mitch says with a smirk before giving me a hug. "It's good to have you here. I'm glad you made it safe and sound."

I looked down at my body covered in dirt and sweat that is being hidden by the blanket I'm wrapped up in. "Perhaps you're right." I wave to Trevor and Scott as I bounded up the stairs taking them two at a time.

I link Nick as I rush to my room that is attached to his through the shared bathroom.

I just got here and am going to take a quick shower to wash the woods off me. How's Jemma doing?

I feel his sigh through the link before I heard his voice I'm glad you made it safely, I was worried. Jemma woke up for a little bit but fell back to sleep after asking if Maddie was okay.

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