Part 13: 27th OCTOBER

Start from the beginning

"Good job I have you Mr Gorman. To ensure everyones safety. " I smiled and carried on downstairs leading him with me. Chef Moorehouse was in the kitchen, and I introduced them. Mr Gorman seemed to give her the eye, but Chelsea didn't seem to realise his obvious interest.

Don't do it... I thought to myself... You are not Cher from Clueless, you do not need to play matchmaker! Holding myself, I thought if they like each other and no one makes a move before Lupercaulia I will have to push them with a little love spell, make it easier.

Suddenly there was a chime.and a knock at the door. "Weird, I'm not expecting anyone..." I hoofed it across the foyer and opened the door.

"Seb?! What the heaven are you doing here?" I grinned and pulled him down for a tight hug.

"Wassup Witch, what can I not check up on my favourite little entrepreneur?" He picked me up and twirled me around. I forgot how strong Seb was, sometimes his grip was downright iron clad!

"Yeah this close to halloween? I don't think so. What are you up to?"

Seb's face dropped a little, something was wrong. "Look, I am not here to be a party pooper it's just... I had a vision and I had to see you."

"You don't get visions, seb what the hell?"

"I know, I don't - I know, but I saw you in danger then I read tarot, cast bones, even went to the Wyrd sisters... all came back saying the same."

"Saying what, Seb?"

"You will enter the spirit world in death on Samhain. Your demise is certain."


I sent Chelsea and Mr Gorman home, saying I wished for more quality time with my friend. I really wanted yo know how the hell I was to die.
"Bones and Tarot both pointed to afterlife and a journey to take. The Wyrd sisters also spoke of the red door. Do you know what that is?"

I was mid pour of coffee and I stopped as I remembered the psychic attack.
"I saw it. In a dream. I was dreaming about the house, I thjnk it exists in the Astral Plane. I just remember bejng scared and not wantkng to go in. Until I was nearly dragged in by that Warlock."

I had told Seb everything, how a warlock was after me, and how I had been wrong in my judgements.
"That's it I am staying, there is no way I am letting some piece of shit Warlock fuck you over. Fuck it, I will call the Coven over!"

I calmed him down and passed him his coffee, "That would be the worst thing to do, I will look weak to him then-" just as I was about to finish that scentence Thomas appeared. He was clutching one of my books, 'Prick Up Your Ears' by Joe Orton, and I could see he had a few questions.

"Ah... miss Y/L/N... I was unaware you were entertaining..."

"It's alright Thomas, he knows who you are. Seb, this is Sir Thomas Sharpe, Thomas this is Seb. Friend and powerful Warlock."

"Oh, so this is him eh?" Seb walked over to Thomas surveying him, like a father checking out his daughters date "So you're the one keeping our little cous all to himself huh? You know she means a lot to our coven."

"Okay Seb I think I will stop you before you start." I stood and walked over feeling like I was about to break up a fight. Seb waived me off and dismissed me as he continued.

"I just wanna make sure he looks after you. Isn't that a big bro perogative?" Seb smirked, "I am sure he realises that I could easily banish him into another dimension or into hell fire shouldnhe upset you."

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