8 - Begging the Universe

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8 - Begging the Universe

Tears were still fresh, clouding Ashton's eyes while he quickly walked down the streets of the city he resided within. He didn't pay the random people also walking down the streets any mind, only wanting one thing within his trip.

The pain was still felt. Ashton's brain could feel every jab, feeling the burning prick against his most important organ.

It wasn't at the point where he was screaming on the floor, begging the pain to go away. But it was still at a large enough level to have constant fresh tears clouding his eyes, threatening to spill down his blushing cheeks.

He quickly walked into the crystal shop, earning a pair of surprised and concerned blue eyes latch onto him.

"Ashton, what the hell! Are you okay?" Luke asked worriedly when he saw the tears in Ashton's eyes and when he saw the obvious distress he was in when he approached the counter.

"I need to make it stop, Luke. Help me make it stop." Ashton begged, gripping onto the counter with his painful eyes latched onto Luke.

"Make what stop?" Luke asked even more worried.

"Help me stop Calum. Please."

Luke's eyes narrowed in confusion once Ashton said this, since he didn't believe that Calum was even real.

"Take deep breathes for me. Yeah...that's it. Now explain to me what happened."

"My eyes, Luke!" Ashton cried out, "They're black!"

"Ashton...they're not black. They look fine. Maybe a little red, but that's due to the crying."

"What?" Ashton asked confused, fumbling around in his pocket to grab his phone. He turned the camera on to look at himself through the screen. He sobbed out when he saw that his eyes were black, unlike what Luke said.

"They're black! Do you not see them?"

"No..." Luke hesitantly said, leaning in to look more closely at Ashton's still hazel eyes, "They look normal to me."

"God...He's making me go crazy." Ashton sniffled, using his sleeve as a disgusting rag.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital?"

"No!" Ashton shook his head, "They'll take off my necklace."

"What necklace?" Luke asked confused, not seeing any kind of jewelry hanging from Ashton's neck.

"The pearls." Ashton said, gripping onto the necklace and showing them to Luke. He didn't dare take them off however.

Luke's eyes narrowed even more, not understanding what was wrong with Ashton or what was going on.

Ashton's eyes were normal and he wasn't wearing a necklace. Something was terribly wrong and Luke didn't know what to do, what he could do to help.

"If you won't go to the hospital then will you at least go home and get some sleep? It might be from the fatigue."

"If I sleep then I'll face Calum. I can't do that." Ashton shook his head afraid.

"Why not?"

"Because he's mad that I took the necklace off."

"Why did you?"

"I...I don't know."

Ashton knew why. He wanted to test Calum and see exactly how he would react to his disobedience. Ashton was fully entranced by the other man and his antics by now.

But he couldn't tell that to Luke. Because if he admitted out loud that Calum was bringing feelings other than fear and worry onto him then it would officially be real. And that made Ashton even more scared.

"What do I do?" Ashton asked with a large frown, staring at a man who had no clue how to help him. He was desperate to get away from all this. From the pain, from the fear, and from the...love.

Calum loved Ashton in a dark and dangerous way, and Ashton was starting to see how and why.

Ashton begun this with his manifestations, begging the universe for a love like no other. And now he got it. He wasn't clear with what he wanted and now he was stuck with the fearful Calum.

He had no idea how he was going to survive this.

"I don't know." Luke said quietly, hating to see Ashton so scared and afraid of his own reality, "Just go home and get some rest, okay? Drink lots of water and make sure to eat. I'm always here if you need me."

"Okay." Ashton nodded, occasionally sniffling.

"Are you going home then?"

"Yes." Ashton said quietly, giving up.

Luke didn't understand; he never would. Ashton couldn't escape Calum, even and especially in his dreams. Sleeping wouldn't make it better because instead it would make it all worse.

But it wasn't Luke's fault. If someone Ashton barely knew was telling him about some mystery man in their dreams that was somehow real and had supernatural abilities, he wouldn't believe it to be true either.

So he said his depressing goodbyes before slowly exiting the store to walk back home where he knew he was going to have to face Calum again soon.

Because Calum was an inevitable force at that point. No matter what Ashton did there was no getting away from the other and his forceful love.

He had to accept that he belonged to Calum.


So Luke can't see Ashton's black eyes or his pearls. A little weird. 😳

Do you think Ash is going crazy?? Or is it Calum's deliberate doing?


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