1 - Manifestations

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1 - Manifestations

I am loved. I am loved. I am loved.

True love is what I am destined for. True love is what I am destined for. True love is what I am destined for.

I am connected with my anahata chakra. I am connected with my anahata chakra. I am connected with my anahata chakra.

Manifestations and mediation were important routines in Ashton's life. He always made sure to make enough time for both of the actions because they were necessities for himself.

If he missed even one of them for his day then he would feel unhealthy and incomplete. They both gave him a clearer mind and they allowed him to stay grounded within himself as an individual and as a soul within the universe.

He was always a spiritual person, which unfortunately wasn't that great for him during middle and high school. Ashton was known as the 'freak' or the 'witch boy' just because he wore crystals.

But now it didn't matter because he was happier than his bullies would ever be. He was free from their harassment and from the confines of normality, living his best spiritual life.

He lived in a small town in Massachusetts near Salem, which he understood was ironic. But it was the only place where he felt like he could fit in.

With countless crystal and spiritual shops near him, Ashton was able to make all the countless stops he needed. It wasn't necessarily good for his bank account, but it was good for his soul.

With a small grin on his face, Ashton couldn't keep in his excitement when he walked into a crystal shop he decided to check out for the first time.

He instantly looked around the small, old shop, noticing that it was empty except for a blonde man his age that wasn't paying attention, since he was too busy lighting candles by the register.

Ashton started to look around, gazing at all the variety of crystals, incense, candles, jewelry, books, and all the other items that were littered around in the shop.

Did Ashton need anything? No. But he might have picked out a moonstone and a garnet.

After a good amount of time of looking around he approached the register, showing the blonde man the two crystals he had picked out for himself.

"Are you looking for love?"

Ashton's eyes widened when the man in front of him asked the question that had an obvious and desperate answer. And—of course—since he was completely correct; Ashton was desperately searching for love.

"How do you know that?" He asked worriedly.

The man grinned lightly, grabbing the two crystals and gently placing them into a small cloth bag for the customer, "There's a lot of things I know about. Like the fact that all you want in this desolate world is true love...Am I wrong?"

"You're right." Ashton said quietly, feeling the pain in his chest erupt when he was reminded about how alone he really was.

"I've got the perfect thing for you. Give me a minute."

From that said, the man left Ashton in order to go to the back. He was only gone for a minute like he said he would be, but it felt like forever for Ashton.

This was...weird. He should feel scared and afraid that a random man he's never met before knew so much about him. But in a way he could feel the positive energy coming off the man.

Sure his name wasn't a huge secret, but how did the other man know it? And his desire for true love was something he kept to himself and to the universe. There was no reasonable way of how and why the man knew about it.

Once the man did come back in he was holding a large crystal ball in both of his hands. He grinned when he stood in front of Ashton and behind the register.

"This is for you."

"There's no way I could afford something like that." Ashton shook his head, knowing the expenses of crystals. He didn't have any as big as the one the man was holding.

"I'll give you a discount."


"Because you need it and I know that it will allow the universe to provide you with what you desire. It's for your love."

"I already have rose quartz at home."

"Let's just say that this specific rose quartz is...special in a way."

Ashton quirked an eyebrow at this, looking over at the crystal ball. It was beautiful. He could feel the magnetic pull calling him in, daring him to indulge himself in it's energy.

"Fine...I'll take it."

The man grinned brightly, nodding while he quickly wrapped it up and put it into a larger cloth bag for Ashton. He also put in the perfectly sized crystal ball stand that would hold the rose quartz for Ashton once it was placed in it's set place back at his home.

Ashton gave him the needed money, ignoring the fact that he was spending way too much with the fact that this was supposed to only be a quick gaze around the store.

"I'm Luke by the way. If you need anything else I'm usually around here. If not just ask for me."

"Okay." Ashton said with a small smile, "I'm Ashton. Thanks for the discount."

"It's no problem, Ashton. But I do have to warn you before you go."

"Warn me?" Ashton narrowed his eyes.

"Remember your manifestations and stay true to them. This crystal ball has strong energies and if you stray away from what you're truly desiring then things might not always appear like you would want them to."

"My manifestations have been clear since day one. Don't worry."

Luke nodded softly, peering at the customer in front of him that was holding the two bags. He was always waiting for the day to give out that crystal ball. Ashton was the one; he was meant to hold and possess the special piece of rose quartz.

Luke only hoped that his intuition was right and that Ashton would get his manifestations answered by the universe.

But it was always a risky way of living. Messing around with energies was dangerous if the person didn't know what they were getting themselves into or if they strayed away from their initial manifestations, mixing up things that they desired and didn't desire together into a large, unorganized mush.

"I'll send positive energies your way, Ashton. I have the feeling that you're going to need them."


CHAPTER ONE IS UP ! What do you think?

Do you trust Luke and the rose quartz? Do you think Ashton should have taken it or left it with Luke? 👀


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